Radical Environmentalism in Biblical Perspective

By Norma Savell

“Fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground” (Gen. 1:28).

How many of us realize that radical environmentalists are seeking to widely restore the predatory wildlife which our forefathers tried to eliminate? Wolf packs are being re-introduced into the wild, with panthers, bears, mountain lions and alligators. The August 12th TV news reported on a Volusia County, Florida bobcat attack on a family dog at the back door of a home. The owner shot the lynx, but then the animal charged him, until it had been shot five times. Out west, mountain lions have claimed human lives as well as those of pets. Environmentalists say, “Get used to it.” If ranchers kill wolves while protecting livestock, they face exorbitant fines and jail.

Dave Foreman, founder of Earth First (which influenced the Unabomber) said, “Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental.”

We all love nature and God’s creatures, and feel a responsibility to care for them. That is why the environment makes such an unsuspecting, beautiful cover for socialism. Radical environmentalists do not think as you and I think. They lust after land which belongs to others, wanting to change it to public or government ownership.

Each rare species seems to need a different habitat. In order to house them, all the waterfront has been taken, as have high sandy ridges, wetlands, deserts, and bodies of water. People are correspondingly being herded into smaller spaces. The next generation may be in high-rise apartments overlooking a vast animal kingdom. What has caused this havoc? Perhaps jobs have been too important, since we want to give our families a better life. We have taken freedom for granted, because we were born into it. Some Christians feel that politics is no place for good people, but where good is removed, evil fills the space.

When Kruschev pounded his shoe on the podium of the United Nations before millions of TV viewers and said, “We will bury you,” Americans laughed. “You will fall from within,” he predicted. We never suspected that Americans could become power-hungry and take our rights and property. However, attacks on humans by protected wild beasts, and attacks against our freedom will increase unless our priorities are corrected.

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