Statements of a practicing witch?

“You practice your religion and let me practice mine.”

“My religion is a holy ritual child sacrifice.”

- Patricia Baird-Windle, Founder and owner of Aware Woman abortuary

Are the above quotes, the statements of a practicing witch?

Several Melbourne area pro-life activists say they are.

Connections between witchcraft and the abortion industry in America are legion. In researching this feature, we repeatedly came across incidences of witchcraft among abortion clinic employees and pro-abortion activists across the country. Yet a systematic documentation on a national level connecting the two has never been made.

If we could only cite one example of the connection between the Wiccan religion and the abortion industry in America, then abortion advocates could easily refute our claim as “circumstantial evidence,” “mere coincidence” or “the product of overactive imaginations of intolerant religious zealots.”


The Abortion Matrix: Defeating Child Sacrifice and the Culture of Death

Is there a connection between witchcraft, neo-paganism and the abortion industry?

This powerful presentation traces the biblical roots of child sacrifice and then delves into the social, political and cultural fall-out that this sin against God and crime against humanity has produced in our beleaguered society.

Conceived as a sequel and update to the 1988 classic, The Massacre of Innocence, the new title, The Abortion Matrix, is entirely fitting. It not only references abortion’s specific target – the sacred matrix where human beings are formed in the womb in the very image of God, but it also implies the existence of a conspiracy, a matrix of seemingly disparate forces that are driving this holocaust.

The occult activity surrounding the abortion industry is exposed with numerous examples. But are these just aberrations, bizarre yet anomalous examples of abortionists who just happen to have ties to modern day witchcraft? Or is this representative of something deeper, more sinister and even endemic to the entire abortion movement?

As the allusion to the film of over a decade ago suggests, the viewer may learn that things are not always as they appear to be. The Abortion Matrix reveals the reality of child-killing and strikes the proper moral chord to move hearts to fulfill the biblical responsibility to rescue those unjustly sentenced to death and to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves (Proverbs 24:11,12; 31:8,9).

Speakers include: George Grant, Peter Hammond, RC Sproul Jr., Paul Jehle, Lou Engle, Rusty Thomas, Flip Benham, Janet Porter and many more.

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If there is no relationship between abortion and witchcraft, then we would expect to find a proportionate number of professing Jews, Protestants, Roman Catholics, humanists and atheists among abortion advocates. We would not be surprised to find witches among abortion providers, especially in areas where witchcraft has had a long history, such as Salem. However, further research revealed a vaster network of abortion providers associated with the Wiccan religion. There are, in fact, a disproportionate number of practicing witches among abortion advocates.

Witchcraft is an ancient religion requiring child sacrifice which has resurfaced in our day. A revival of neo-paganism has brought with it a revival of human sacrifice in the form of abortion. A brief study of cities where abortion on demand is prevalent reads like a metaphysical road map. In each inquiry, we did not have to dig for facts; information on the relationship between witchcraft and the abortion industry was offered with little resistance. In a future edition of The Champion, we will present more evidence. Here are just four of the connections that have been uncovered.

Melbourne, Florida

The above quote by Patricia Baird-Windle was made at a Christmas party at Aware Woman clinic. In responding to pro-life activists who keep up a regular presence at the clinic, Patricia claimed that her religion was “a holy ritual of child sacrifice.” She also claimed to be “a Goddess.” The remark was heard by at least two Melbourne pro-lifers and was immediately recorded in writing. Windle later denied making these comments. On another occassion, she said claimed that she did make them, but that they were in jest. But let’s look at some facts:

An employee of Aware Woman, Veronica Jordan, and a former employee, Rebecca Morris, are two of the six directors of a registered non-profit religious corporation known as the Wiccan Religious Cooperative of Florida (WRCF).

Some of the so-called “clinic defenders” are practicing witches who make no pretension about discussing their involvement freely when they gather in front of the clinic. Some are members of the Church of the Iron Oak – a local Wiccan group.

Patricia Windle’s daughter-in-law, Roni (also a clinic employee), near the time the WRCF was founded, had in her possession a book entitled: The Sacrament of Abortion. The book was authored by a Ginnette Paris, a witch in Canada, and presents abortion as “a sacred act.” This book calls abortion “a sacrifice to Artemis, who refuses to give life if the gift is not pure” (i.e., innocent or preborn life).

Paris elaborates: “It is morally acceptable that a woman who gives life may also destroy life … whoever kills a fetus commits a murder…. It is not immoral to choose abortion; it is simply another kind of mortality, a pagan one…. Obviously everyone has a right to his or her religious beliefs, but what if mine are pagan?… [O]ne can occasionally resort to abortion when it is necessary to sacrifice the fetus to a higher cause … Abortion as a sacrifice to Artemis. Abortion as a sacrament – for the gift of life to remain pure.“1

Possession of The Sacrament of Abortion by Ms. Windle does not prove that she is a witch, but it is obvious that she and those around her have been influenced by Wicca’s ideology. A bumpersticker emblazoned on a Windle family vehicle claims: “The Goddess is Alive and Magic is Afoot.”

Chicago, Illinois

In March 1994, pro-lifers from Chicago’s northside encountered a band of about a dozen witches who demonstrated in front a church during a pro-life prayer rally. Militant homosexual activists from ACT-UP and Queer Nation led the protest.

Ralph Ruggiero, a member of Armitage Baptist church, describes the incident: “First they circulated light-hearted propaganda in the neighborhood concerning what they were going to do in protesting our church, which has been very active in the pro-life movement. I observed these militant groups that were actually doing witchcraft outside. They had little dolls with names on them: ‘Randall Terry’ and ‘Tim Murphy.’ They were sticking pins in them and saying incantations. They were in a circle with the witch in the middle. She was wearing a hat that plainly said ‘witch.’ They would scream and ring bells and beat drums.” According to Ruggiero, the incident was recorded on videotape by their church.

The existence of witch covens in Chicago is confirmed by literature circulated in the area which advertises their meetings. Ruggiero believes that witchcraft is the religion of many pro-abortion activists in Chicago. “These are the same people I see in front of the abortion clinics all the time. One particular person came out and said: ‘My religion demands that we have innocent blood child-sacrifice.’”

Joyce Ruggiero concurs with her husband: “A woman named ‘Sunny’ is a witch who first appeared at our church in 1992 when she burned an effigy of Randall Terry. This time they had curses written on eggs. Sunny is part of ‘Sister Serpents.’ They were passing out tracts to Christians telling them that they could renounce Jesus with a prayer to Satan.”

Birmingham, Alabama

Diane Derzis, operator of Birmingham’s Summit House abortuary, owns a century-old five-story house which reputedly is the former property of a witch. The home has at least three gravestones in the front yard. The back porch is decorated with witchcraft paraphernalia associated with worship of the goddess Diana. Derzis’ home is close to the summit of a mountain which displays Birmingham’s huge iron statue of Vulcan, the Roman god of the underworld.

Is Diane Derzis a practicing witch who worships Diana and sees abortion as a holy ritual? We spoke with Diane at her house at the summit of the mountain in Birmingham. She denied that she had any connection to Wicca. “Whoever told you that is filling your head with nonsense,” she stated.

However, a taped interview with her security guard a few minutes before told another story. The following are statements of a young man who claimed to be her security guard, but who did not give his name: “[Diane] said that the house was built in 1916; it’s built on a graveyard and a witch used to own the house. She said that there were seven graves in this yard, but I’ve only found three. There are three headstones in there.”

Ms. Derzis’ security guard gave us a short tour of the yard. One headstone was clearly engraved with the name “Lietch.” The house is listed as a historical house of Jefferson county which bears the marker: “C.H. Wiley House, 1916.”

When we approached Diane again for photos, she brazenly posed for us in front of Summit House abortion clinic, but then filed a complaint with an on duty police officer claiming that we had been stalking her. Birmingham’s police dismissed this possibility after a few minutes of questioning.

Huntsville, Alabama

A 35-year-old woman was arrested and charged with murdering a well-known pro-life minister. Police were held at bay by Eileen Orstein Janezic, the alleged killer, for six hours while she held a pistol and read aloud passages from Anton LeVay’s Satanic Bible. The minister she is accused of murdering, 51-year-old Jerry Simon, co-hosted with his wife a daily radio program and was active in the local pro-life movement.

The murder took place last year in the midst of media publicity about “anti-abortion” violence after the killing of abortionist David Gunn. While Gunn’s murder was publicized by the media, pro-life advocate Simon’s death went largely unnoticed.2

1 Ginnette Paris, The Sacrament of Abortion (Spring Publications, POB 222069, Dallas, TX 75222, 1992) pp.53,56,107.
2 World.


I think if you dig a little more deeply, you may find that witchcraft and abortion are only incidentally linked.

One of the major themes in witchcraft is the legitimacy of women’s power and its equality with men’s. In the US, in recent years, this same view has manifested itself historically most strongly in women’s “right to choose.” Most contemporary American witches also seem to be liberal politically; thus, it is no surprise that Americans who come to witchcraft espouse the pro-choice view.

It is incorrect, however, to consider that view intrinsic to witchcraft. Stewart Farrar, one of the more significant early modern expositors of Wicca, writes in The Witches Way (Phoenix, 1984) against abortion as contraception, and considers it an occasional “necessary evil” when the mother’s life or health are at risk. This is a position that many Americans hold, few of them witches.

In summary, what you’re looking at is not a causal connection between witchcraft and abortion, but a political coincidence.

It’s true that many abortion centers, especially those that say ‘for women by women’ are tied to practices in the occult. One such clinic in Ohio had women staff/volunteers go on weekend trips to Traverse City, MI for what they would call experiences of ‘entering the womb of Mother Earth’. Often Wiccan style jewelry/clothing could be seen by staff. This IS true and not made up stuff.

As a British Pagan i find your lack of knowledge and your fear centered position on abortion utterly incredible … you make the most ridiculous comparisons and assumptions about a reality you do not really understand … take some marijuana my friend and go for a walk in the wild woods – there you may find Pan – your reflection in the forest, your true home on the Earth, see there is nobody who believes in sacrificing abortions, you are a fearful fantasist … worshipping Jesus is such a distraction from the basic truths behind our shared reality, it’s time we let christianity, judaism and islam go and get in touch with ourselves and allow a new understanding to flow between us – the revelation in the bible is that all fear based religions will no longer be believed and followed like the fall of the Nazi or Roman empire.. abortion isn’t actually a war that needs to be fought, we need to pull together and support the rights and decisions of women who would otherwise have to suffer an unblessed birth…. the world is full of people, people need to make tough decisions – don’t get in the way!

I am a pro-life witch. In fact, I am joining the 40 Days for Life campaign in London along with my agnostic partner. We are parents who are vehemently pro-life. My high priestess has stated that pagans should be pro-life as we are supposed to uphold the sanctity of life. It is also believed that abortion ruins women and giving birth is one of the most beautiful things a woman can do. A baby is not a choice and deserves the right to be born. But, your rambling about all wiccans/pagans/witches wanting to sacrifice babies is disgusting. Just because some call themselves witches or pagans does not mean all believe the same way.


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