In God We Trust on our currency

WASHINGTON, D.C. (EP) – “In God We Trust.” This affirmation of faith was put on U.S. currency at the urging of a Christian preacher, and may come off of U.S. currency at the urging of atheists, according to the National Legal Foundation, a group organized by religious broadcaster Pat Robertson.

In a full-page ad run in USA Today, the National Legal Foundation claimed Madalyn Murray O’Hair is preparing to renew her attempts to have the slogan stricken from U.S. currency. No lawsuit has been filed yet, but National Legal Foundation Executive Director Robert Skolrood explains, “We called, and she said she was going after it again. She said she was devoting the rest of her life to getting ‘In God We Trust’ off U.S. currency.”

In 1978 O’Hair sued the federal government to have the phrase removed from currency. She lost that lawsuit in a federal district court, and her appeals of that decision were turned down.

Skolrood said the ad in USA Today was intended to give Christians warning to unite in their support for the motto. “Maybe all this publicity will make her sit back and think,” he speculated. “Maybe we can scare her out of [filing a lawsuit].”

John Murray, president of American Atheists, said “In God We Trust” is a hot issue for the group. “We do want to refile,” he said. “We have an all new Supreme Court. They are more conservative, but you never know. If we can’t get [a hearing], then we can wait another ten years and try again.”

Murray told Baptist Press his organization’s goals include removing “under God” from the pledge of allegiance, removing “In God We Trust” from currency, and changing the national motto from “In God We Trust” to “E Pluribus Unum.” He said, “We’re going to keep at it until [laws] are changed, until those public arenas are secular. We want a nation with a government that is completely neutral about religion.”



We need to keep In God We Trust on our currency.More today than ever before.
May God Bless America and keep us safe.

I think the phrase “In God We Trust” should remain on the currency. Although I do not believe in God, America was founded by religion. The phrase “In God We Trust” was printed onto the currency in the 1960’s. Although it hasn’t been a long time since it was printed, but why get rid of it? It would only cost us more time to delete the phrase.

KEEP IT!! Religion is a big part of American history and to take “In God We Trust” off the currency is elimanating a part of that history.

Would the atheists be appeased with “In Obama We Trust” or “In Satan We Trust”? If you call yourself an American, you better stop being another complacent “go with the crowd” stooge and stand up for our liberties and freedoms which are rapidly disappearing from America, one slice of bread at a time till there is no bread left.

If you want to remove IN GOD WE TRUST, why don’t you move out of the USA. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

You talk about the history of America, “Religion is a big part of American history”.

Slavery is a big part of American history, exploitation of child workers is another. It’s called progress. I have all the respect for your right to practice your religion and faith.

BUT TRUE AMERICANS believe that each person have the right to believe in their own religish beliefs, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhism, etc. Not all these religions believe in 1 god or a god at all.

Separation of church and state! Remove “In God We Trust” and “Under God”. That is the real personnel attack on people’s freedom. I’m sure Christians wouldn’t like their money to say “There is no god”. Why would a non believer want God slapped in their face by the government.

Oh, and for those that say I’m not a real American. I’ve served in our armed forces and defended this country, what have you done?


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