“O Lord, revive your work in the midst of the years!
In the midst of the years make it known;
In wrath remember mercy” – Habakkuk 3:2.
- Revival and Spiritual Awakening
- Jonathan Edwards: Concerts of Prayer
- Revival - Edwards and Wesley
- Revival - Wesley and Whitefield
- The Almost Christian - By John Wesley
- John Wesley - The Highway of Holiness
- Campus Revivals of the Past
- Heirs of a Haystack
- Revival and Young People
- Revival - Amherst College
- Revival - Yale College
- Revival - Charles G. Finney
- What is a Revival? - by Charles G. Finney
- War Cry! - The Salvation Army
- Scottish Revival
- A Revival Account Asbury 2006
- A Revival Account Asbury 1970
- Concerts of Prayer
- Tom Wolfe expects religious awakening
- Ronald Reagan: "America is in the midst of a spiritual revival"
- Washington for Jesus 1988
- Billy Graham's Largest North American Audience
- The Most Hopeful Sign of Our Times
- A Glimpse of World Missions Today
- World Evangelization: Are we reaching closure?
- Rushing Wind - from No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green
- Jesus Commands Us to Go!
- Missions Book List
- The 18th Century Awakening: What we can learn from it
- Mario Murillo quote on Revival
- University Campuses to be focus of Spiritual Awakening in '90s
- Looking for Revival? Check College Campuses
- Jesus Film
- Revival and Spiritual Awakening
- What is Revival?
- The Victorious Overcoming Church
- The Cross of Jesus Christ
- Love blows the trumpet of HOLINESS!
- Fallow Ground
- Fire From Heaven
- The Untold Progress of the Gospel
- The Strategic Imperative for Unity
- Who Will Rule the Earth?
- What is Revival and Spiritual Awakening?
- 1958 Revival Classic Predicted Liberation of the Communist Bloc
- The Path of Revival - Part Two
- The Path of Revival - Part One
- Perfect Love and Revival
- What is true Revival?
- Will We Get the Message?
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