EPISTEMOLOGY is the study of human belief systems; the nature and limits of human knowledge; analyzing why we believe the way we do and whether truth is attainable through human reason and knowledge.
EPISTEMOLOGICALLY SELF-CONSCIOUS means to be aware of one’s own belief system; to become more consistent in the implications of your beliefs; and to realize that your beliefs and ideas have consequences.
METACOGNITION is the awareness of one’s thought processes and an understanding of the patterns behind them. The term comes from the Greek root word meta, meaning “beyond” or “on top of.” A simple definition is “thinking about thinking.” More specifically it is understanding our own thought processes to enable us to better solve problems and increase mental efficiency. Writings examining metacognition date back at least as far back as two books by Aristotle (384-322 BC) – On the Soul and the Parva Naturalia.
METACONSCIOUSNESS deals with the individual’s awareness that is aware of itself. It springs from the transcendent, self-referential part of consciousness. It is a level of consciousness that is pure mindfulness. The human mind is the only piece of matter in the universe where this happens. The ears cannot hear the ears listening. The eyes cannot see themselves seeing. However, our God-given minds are so powerful that we can think about thinking, wonder about wondering, and be aware of our awareness. We are conscious of consciousness. As human beings we can think purposefully and deeply about what it means to exist and what it means to be human. Willful sentience is what separates human beings from every other created being in the universe. Other objects and other living things move by instinctive determinism. Metaconsciousness is thinking in the spiritual realm rather than in the materialist realm of pure rationalism. In essence, it is a purposeful, thoughtful, and sometimes prayerful existence in which we think God’s thoughts after Him. Metaconsciousness is a movement into participation with our destiny. Although we always work within God’s will and His immutable decrees, human beings may cooperate with God to shape human destiny.
Glossary Headings
Political Theories
Modern Political Movements
Forms of Government
Modern Political Counterfeits
Political World Orders
Culture and Society
Regional and Global Organizations
World Reserve Currency
World Financial Organizations
Globalist Think Tanks, Theories, and Doctrines
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