HEGEMONY is the position of being the strongest and most powerful and therefore able to control others. It comes from the Greek hēgemonia, a noun formed from the verb hēgeisthai, “to lead.” It is a word that has been increasingly used in media articles in recent years, usually in the context of the United States dominating the world stage. Another noun form, hegemon, can be used as a synonym for a dominion or an empire. This power is spoken of as regional hegemony or global hegemony.
GLOBALISM is the aim of one or several allied nations to impose a single cultural, political and economic model on the whole world. It often includes erasing national identities and softening borders in order to realize a vision for a global utopia.
– Neoconservative globalism is the world order most sought by most of the Republican Party, including even many (but by no means all) supporters of Donald Trump. The neocons and right wing populists might say they seek “America First,” but what they really mean is America first all over the world. America first in China. America first in Russia. America first in Africa. These benighted nations will be better off if they imitate America’s political and economic system, they insist. This push for a unipolar culture may include speaking English and adopting American soft culture. America has become an imperial power. Although America does not conquer nations and occupy territory, it does have at least 800 military bases in more than half the countries of the world. Neoconservatives work in close contact with lobbyists to secure political campaign donations from military industrial corporations in order to ensure a “forever war” among the emerging nations to advance this form of globalism.
– Neoliberal globalism is much the same, except instead of “America First,” the slogans are “Western democratic values” and “the rules-based order.” The proponents are the Democrats in America and most European political parties. They seek to establish a world order according to a liberal socialist-capitalist model. All nations should limit family size and provide free healthcare, including birth control and abortion. LGBTQ+ is sacrosanct, but religious conservatism is a hindrance to individual rights. This push toward liberal social values does not go down well with the Muslim world, traditional Asian cultures, Eastern Orthodox nations, Christian Africa and Christian South America. When we consider that at one time or another almost every country in the world was colonized or invaded by a Western European power, it is easy to understand the current backlash against Liberalism throughout the world. America doesn’t colonize nations like the European empires once did, but rather bullies other nations with the threat of sanctions using its monopoly on the world’s reserve currency and banking systems. Couple this with the fact that in recent decades the United States has conducted numerous military invasions, violent coups, and assassinations of dozens of foreign leaders. As a result, a perfect storm is brewing on the horizon as a backlash against Western globalism.
– Multilateral globalism is the world order of large multinational corporations controlled by wealthy oligarchs, such as George Soros and Klaus Schwab, who in turn fund non-governmental organizations (NGOs), such as the World Economic Forum and the Davos Forum. Their vision is a post-political world in which Western values are promoted. The world would still be run by civil governments, but each would be just one “stakeholder” among many public and private corporations and institutions. A necessary ingredient in the plan is the removal of anti-Liberal governments throughout the world that might stand in the way. George Soros’ NGOs have accomplished this through color revolutions and interfering with national elections throughout the world. Ironically, naked and aggressive power is often imposed in the name of creating “Open Societies.”24
THE WEST is what used to be known as the “free world.” When used as a noun or adjective to describe the collective West, the words “West” and “Western” are often capitalized. The West at one time opposed communism in the “East” and the “Third World” or the “Global South.” When communism fell and many nations adopted democratic elections and institutions, Third World countries began to rise out of poverty. Then the bipolarity of “the free world vs. the communist world” no longer had relevance. Today, a country is considered to be part of the “West” if it was part of the opposition to communism during the Cold War.
THE COLLECTIVE WEST is another term for the West, but includes Eastern European nations that were formerly part of the Warsaw Pact with the Soviet Union, but have since become aligned with western Europe and the USA. This also includes countries in the traditional East, but aligned economically, militarily and culturally with the West, such as Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
THE GLOBAL SOUTH is a region that includes countries in the regions of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia (without Israel, Japan, and South Korea), and Oceania (without Australia and New Zealand). This definition is according to the United Nations. The term is used now in place of the “Third World” and indicates that the Cold War order of “the free world vs. the communist world” is now dead. Another delineation is “the West vs. the Rest.” This is significant because the demographic forces of world population and economic development are inevitably shifting from the Western nations toward the Global South or “the Rest.”
THE GOLDEN BILLION is a derogatory term that delineates the approximately one billion people who live in an affluent Western country. Of the more than eight billion people now alive on planet earth, the Golden Billion of the West are now less than 15 percent. The Rest are at least 85 percent. This is significant because just over 100 years ago in 1920, almost 40 percent of the world’s population lived in a Western country. In terms of economic parity, Europe’s GDP made up 47 percent of the world GDP in 1913, but dropped to 24 percent by 2013. The GDP of Asia had meanwhile grown to 38 percent. While the West is still growing in population and wealth, the shift towards the Rest in numbers of people and economic development is increasing even more dramatically.
GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR refers to the military policy of the neoconservatives toward parts of Africa, the Middle East and the Muslim world. The strategy is to keep Saudi Arabia beholden to US interests while continuing to increase oil trade in USD; to enrich the Saudi princes, while bolstering the petrodollar reserve currency and the strength of the USD as the dominant world reserve currency. This policy brought the US into conflict with Saudi Arabia’s chief oil producing rivals in the region – Iran and Iraq – from 1978 to present. The United States, Saudi Arabia, and allies were also involved with covertly arming Afghanistan fighters against their Soviet-backed military government (from 1979 to 1988). As a result of the funding, numerous military training camps, terrorist cells, and Muslim nationalist organizations were created in Afghanistan and throughout the Middle East. These Muslim groups were not only anti-Soviet communism, but also anti-Western Liberalism. Being traditionalist Muslims, they were anti-Modernity. In the wake of the fall of the Soviet Union, the United States stepped up pressure on countries in the Middle East who had been favorably allied with the Kremlin to convert their political and economic system to Liberalism. This brought further conflicts with Muslim states over oil production and pricing, resulting in the Gulf War from 1990 to 1991.
THE ENDLESS WAR began in earnest after the terrorist bombings of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001. President George W. Bush argued that the “war on terror” must be a long term struggle. In his 2002 State of the Union address, he stated, “Our war on terror is only beginning. There are difficult days ahead, and the way forward may sometimes appear chaotic.” He continued to underscore the need for steadfastness and resolve to combat the threat of terrorism. The United States embarked on two long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, this time fighting the very terrorist groups that Western funding had helped to create. There may have been no 9/11 attacks had it not been for US covert involvement in Afghanistan in 1979 and the creation and arming of numerous Islamist militias that later became terrorist cells.25 The US has been involved in dozens of military operations in the Middle East and Northern Africa. The CIA and NATO were involved in the civil wars in Libya resulting in the murder of Muammar Gaddafi. The US also funded ISIS militants in an attempt to oust President Bashar al-Assad in Syria. As of the writing of this book over 20 years later, US troops are still deployed in several war zones in the Middle East.
24 The Open Society and Its Enemies is a work on political philosophy by Karl Popper, who indicts Plato, Hegel, and Marx for relying on historicism (the idea of unidirectional development and mechanistic determinism) to underpin their political theories. The book is a defense of Liberalism against all other political theories and is the source of George Soros’ philosophy of unipolar globalism.
25 Pervez Hoodbhoy, “The United States and Islam: Toward Perpetual War?” Social Research, Vol. 72, No. 4, Their America: The US in the Eyes of the Rest of the World (WINTER 2005), p. 880. https://www.jstor.org/stable/40971801.
Glossary Headings
Political Theories
Modern Political Movements
Forms of Government
Modern Political Counterfeits
Political World Orders
Culture and Society
Regional and Global Organizations
World Reserve Currency
World Financial Organizations
Globalist Think Tanks, Theories, and Doctrines
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- Modern Political Movements
- Forms of Government
- Modern Political Counterfeits
- Political World Orders
- Culture and Society
- Epistemology
- Regional and Global Organizations
- World Reserve Currency
- World Financial Organizations
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