Globalist Think Thanks, Theories and Doctrines

CFR or the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS is an American think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international relations. Founded in 1921, it is an independent and nonpartisan nonprofit organization. CFR is based in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, DC. Its membership has included senior politicians, numerous secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, corporate directors and CEOs, and senior media figures. The founding members were proponents of Woodrow Wilson’s internationalism, which countered the prevailing American isolationism of that era, but were concerned about “the effect that the war and the treaty of peace might have on postwar business.”33 The organization began with an equivalent of over $2 million (in today’s money adjusted for inflation) from the wealthy members and letters soliciting funds to “the thousand richest Americans.” In the late 1930s, the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation began contributing large amounts of money to the Council. A critical study found that of 502 government officials surveyed from 1945 to 1972, more than half were members, including many foreign policy officials. The Council promotes issues related to neoconservative globalism and military interventionism; while also emphasizing neoliberal causes, such as climate and environmental issues, gender equality, free trade, globalization and international institutions. Rigorous debate and discussion among the members reflect a variety of policy positions. However, a common denominator is a unipolar globalist outlook.

THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION is a nongovernmental international organization aimed at fostering closer cooperation between Japan, Western Europe and North America. The organization was founded by David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Jimmy Carter in July 1973. The group functions as a yearly conference in Paris, France aimed at fostering closer multilateral cooperation between the three global wellsprings of Liberal politics and economics. In 2001 the Trilateral Commission expanded its membership to incorporate economically smaller but emerging nations within its regional structure. Mexico was accorded a handful of members, as were Asian and South Pacific countries such as Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, and Thailand. Members from China and India were first admitted in 2009. The Trilateral Commission’s agendas have anticipated those of the G7 summit meetings between the leaders of the world’s largest economies. Members have held key positions in US administrations and in the governments of other member countries. In the late 1970s, for example, many former Trilateral Commission members held senior positions in the cabinet of US President Jimmy Carter. The group’s purpose is to groom leadership along the lines of a neoliberal global political agenda.

NWO or NEW WORLD ORDER is an old term with various usages, but came into prominence after World War I in the writings of Social Gospel theologians promoting a program for the reconstruction and reformation of America – “a new world order of international brotherhood, justice and peace.” President Woodrow Wilson, a Princeton educated Calvinist postmillennialist, was influenced by both the Social Gospel proponents, and ironically, the fledgling Fundamentalist movement, but ended up becoming more Liberal in his geopolitical view. This was the philosophy behind the League of Nations, and later the United Nations, that political cooperation would cause the nations to “beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” (Isaiah 2:4).

BUSH’S NEW WORLD ORDER was a revived vision for the NWO promoted in a series of speeches after the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 by President George H.W. Bush. He argued that since the Western nations of the world were no longer threatened by totalitarian communism, all must now unite in an effort to fight terrorism and remaining forms of tyranny. “The day of the dictator is dead,” said Bush.34 Also quoting the possibility of putting an end to all wars, Bush quoted from “the prophecy of Isaiah – ‘that nation shall not lift up sword against nation.’ And yes, we hope, we pray that as the years progress that the face of war will recede into our distant memory.”35 This noble idea degenerated into the Paul Wolfowitz and George W. Bush doctrines.

WOLFOWITZ DOCTRINE (1992) is an unofficial name given to a plan proposed during the George H.W. Bush administration in 1992. It was written by Secretary of Defense for Policy, Paul Wolfowitz, and his deputy Scooter Libby. It sparked a public controversy about US foreign and defense policy. The document outlined a policy of unilateralism and preemptive military strikes to suppress potential threats from other nations and to prevent dictatorships from rising to superpower status. It announced that the United States was the world’s only remaining superpower following the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War. Wolfowitz proclaimed the prime directive was to retain that status. The doctrine had the following points. (1). The US is the sole superpower within the New World Order. (2). The US should act unilaterally and downplay the value of international coalitions. (3). The US has the right to intervene when and where necessary with preventive military action; (4.) A resurgent Russia poses the greatest threat to the US. (5.) In the Middle East, the overall objective is to remain the predominant outside power in the region and preserve Western access to the region’s oil.

BUSH DOCTRINE (2001) is a term coined by Charles Krauthammer to describe the foreign policy of George W. Bush. While the strident language of the Wolfowitz doctrine was toned down by George H.W. Bush’s administration after it was prematurely leaked to the press, its meaning remained intact. These points developed into the official Bush Doctrine under George W. Bush by 2006. (1). Make no distinction between terrorists and the nations that harbor them – and hold both to account. (2). Take the fight to the enemy overseas before they can attack us again here at home. (3). Confront threats before they fully materialize. (4). Advance liberty and hope as an alternative to the enemy’s ideology of repression and fear. At the heart of the Bush Doctrine is the belief that there can be no rival power. Bush insisted that America was a beacon of freedom to the world and our enemies are “evil doers” who want to destroy America because they “hate freedom and our way of life.”36 More recently, we have heard similar statements from George Soros, Joe Biden and others pitting Western “democracy” against “autocracy.” This generalization may be true. However, in practice it is difficult for one nation to dictate to another what a “democracy” should look like. This is especially true within civilizations based on ancient cultures that have differing views on morals, ethics and social order.

THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY is the idea that America in the 21st century must remain the leader among the world’s nations. The 20th century was called the “American Century” after the term coined in early 1941 by TIME magazine publisher Henry Luce. Just before America entered WWII, Luce described what he thought the role of the United States would be throughout the 20th century. He argued, at the beginning of World War II, that the nations of Europe looked to the United States for leadership. In political, economic, and cultural terms, the “American Century” was comparable to Great Britain’s “Imperial Century” from 1815 to 1921. According to Luce, who was the son of Christian missionaries, America’s role was to lift the world out of a savagery that was “little better than brute beasts” to transformed societies made “a little lower than the angels.” The New American Century was then championed by neoconservatives as a philosophy of maintaining US supremacy into the 21st century by engaging in regime change and nation building in regions that refused to voluntarily model their system after the United States or according to the ideals of Western Liberal political theory.

PNAC or PROJECT FOR A NEW AMERICAN CENTURY was a Washington, D.C.-based neoconservative think tank that focused on US foreign policy. William Kristol and Robert Kagan founded PNAC in 1997 as a non-profit educational organization. PNAC’s supporters included three former Republican presidential administration officials – Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Paul Wolfowitz. In 1998, Kristol wrote a letter to President Clinton urging the U.S. to follow a policy of regime change in Iraq. This sentiment is echoed by European neoconservatives, such as Josep Borrell of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, who compared Europe to a garden at the inauguration of the European Diplomatic Academy in Bruges, Belgium in 2022. Borrell said that Europe is Edenic because it is the best combination of political freedom, economic prosperity, and social cohesion that humankind has been able to build. He also compared most of the world to a jungle. “Most of the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could invade the garden … Europeans have to be much more engaged with the rest of the world. Otherwise, the rest of the world will invade us, by different ways and means.” Although Borrell insisted that his words were misinterpreted as neocolonialist and racist, “the garden vs. the jungle” metaphor was first used by PNAC founder Robert Kagan who advocated regime change and military intervention.

WEF or the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM is an international non-governmental and lobbying organization for multinational companies founded by University of Geneva business professor Klaus Schwab in 1971. By 1973, the WEF grew as a response to the global economic and geopolitical changes that took place after the collapse of the Bretton Woods fixed rate banking system. In the ensuing decades, the organization played a part in peace processes between Greece and Turkey; Israel and Palestine; and the transition away from Apartheid in South Africa. In the last few decades, the WEF has become a platform for promoting neo-liberal globalism. The forum has emphasized global solutions to the global problems of terrorism, trade protectionism, environmental concerns, and climate change. Even conservative populist leaders, such as Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, have spoken at the organization’s Davos Forum meeting giving keynote addresses that echo some neo-liberal concerns.

DAVOS FORUM is the annual gathering of the WEF, which began meeting in 1988 with globalization of the world economy as a common theme. Davos is often used as a synonym for the WEF, although the latter is an organization and the former is an annual meeting of over 2,500 delegates and hundreds of others at a ski resort in Davos, Switzerland. Prominent speakers include Klaus Schwab and Georg Soros. It is the largest gathering of globalist think tank leaders and politicians. In 2015 to 2016, North Korea was invited and then disinvited to send delegates to the Forum. In 2017, Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping spoke defending China’s environmental and economic trade policies from Western criticism. In 2022, Russia was absent from the Forum, which The Wall Street Journal described as signaling the “unraveling of globalization.” Instead Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke. The Russian pavilion display was used to present Russia’s alleged war crimes. The 2023 annual meeting used the motto “Cooperation in a Fragmented World.” Missing in 2023 were Joe Biden, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin as well as French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. This is due to a clash of cultural values in prior gatherings when those holding Liberal values have ostracized the more traditional and conservative nations that have taken part in the Forum. The 2023 Davos Forum was centered on European leadership with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (another German) as keynote speakers. According to speeches given at Davos by billionaire George Soros, a modern accommodation to individual rights must be promoted among all nations, including population control, universal access to abortion, LGBTQ+ rights, climate change mandates, and other aspects of “woke” culture. However, Soros has recently lamented that his dream of seeing a Global Open Society and Great Reset of the world economy is quickly vanishing.

THE GREAT RESET is a WEF project launched in May 2020 as a five-point plan to promote economic growth following the global recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The five points are (1). Sustainable Development (environmentally friendly economy); (2). Social Inclusion and Equality (equal access to healthcare, education, and technology); (3). Digital Transformation (enhance cybersecurity, data privacy, digital innovation); (4). Resilient Governance (linking cooperation between national governments with businesses and social organizations); (5). Responsible Capitalism (businesses serve the social and economic interests of the “stakeholders”). The WEF defines the system that they want to create as “Stakeholder Capitalism,” or the idea that employees, the media, and investors should urge corporations to take a stand on liberal social issues and create greater equality. The Great Reset has been criticized and feared by those who see it as an opportunistic thrust toward promoting a multilateral globalist agenda. In simpler terms, the Great Reset is a plan to jump start a globalist world order according to a neoliberal or multilateral model using recovery from the pandemic as a motivating factor. This is conceived as a world in which all wealth for middle and working classes would be shared through networking. People would share temporary access to nearly everything we use on a daily basis. Housing and cars would be universally provided along with education and free healthcare. “You will own nothing and be happy,” a phrase originating in a 2016 video by the WEF summarizing an essay written by Danish politician Ida Auken, has been criticized by conservatives as promoting an extreme form of technocratic socialism. The plan for the Great Reset has been the target of numerous conspiracy theories, some containing more than a grain of truth.

THE GREAT AWAKENING was originally a reference to a series of religious revivals that took place in England, Scotland and America in the Reformation era, especially among Puritan and Presbyterian societies as well as the Methodist movement. The First Great Awakening was led by Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, John Wesley and others in the 1700s. This revival movement unified American Christianity into a form of revived Neo-Puritanism, which prepared America for its independence at the end of the century. This was followed by the Second Great Awakening in the 1800s, which brought about several important social reform movements including the abolition of slavery. More recently, the Great Awakening, has been co-opted by populists on the political right and left to describe the opposition to the Great Reset of the New World Order. The term describes an urge to oppose big government and big corporate business on a rational and valid basis, although proponents sometimes stray into wild conspiracy theories. The so-called new Great Awakening also does not as of yet have established organization or any unified plan to oppose and replace Modernism and postmodernism. The use of the term “Great Awakening” in this way should not be confused with the earlier transformative Christian revivals.

CONSPIRATORIAL THINKING holds that ultimately world politics are guided by a secret plot, human and/or demonic, to bring about an evil end. This idea is fueled in Christian circles by the dispensational premillennialist worldview (and its many variations), which presupposes that the Church and the world is in a downward historical trend; that we are in a Laodicean Age; that only a remnant will be saved in the end; that we are to anticipate a great falling away from the faith and growing persecution from the civil authorities. Even secular versions of conspiratorial thinking imagine a push toward a one-world government ruled by an evil cabal that will control hearts and minds for nefarious purposes.

PROVIDENTIAL THINKING is a characteristic in the neo-Puritan view of history and government. King Jesus is leading believers in His train as a captain leads an army to victory over the anti-Christian power bases of the world. The ultimate destiny of all forms of government is to establish Christ’s dominion over all the earth with God’s people ruling in positions of importance in every area of life. Christ will return to the earth when all things are subject to Him under His feet (the Church). The role of the elect is to occupy the power bases of familial, ecclesiastical, cultural and civil forms of government until He comes to establish greater justice. Although this vision includes political transformation, it is not achieved through politics, but through a biblical worldview that permeates all areas of life.

33 Grose, Peter (2006). Continuing the Inquiry: The Council on Foreign Relations from 1921 to 1996. Council on Foreign Relations Press.

34 George H.W. Bush, “Remarks in Buenos Aires, Argentina,” 12/5/1990.

35 George H.W. Bush, “Veterans Day Address,” 11/11/1991.

36 “The Global War on Terrorism: The First 100 Days” US Department of State, information released from 1/20/2001 to 1/20/2009.

Glossary Headings

Political Theories
Modern Political Movements
Forms of Government
Modern Political Counterfeits
Political World Orders
Culture and Society
Regional and Global Organizations
World Reserve Currency
World Financial Organizations
Globalist Think Tanks, Theories, and Doctrines


The Fourth Political Theory in Biblical Perspective

Jay Rogers

A Christian civilization is emerging from under the wreckage of Modern culture.

A Christian civilization is emerging from under the chaos that has been strewn throughout the wreckage of Modern culture. As dawn breaks through the darkness, many will be awakened to a new understanding of the fulfillment of the Law through love and grace. Many will comprehend, as if for the first time, what it means to be truly human. We are being prepared to overcome a world system that has denied God, faith, family, and even humanity itself. This book analyzes and critiques several leading experts in the theory of the rising multipolar world including –

The Changing World Order by Ray Dalio
The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel Huntington
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