Modern Political Movements

POSTMODERNISM has a variety of definitions depending on the discipline. It means one thing in art. It means another thing in architecture, literature, music, etc. In philosophy, it represents skepticism and relativism, a reaction against rationalism, and a philosophy of “post-politics.” Postmodernism can be seen as a spin-off from earlier materialism propounded by Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche and Marx. It can also be seen as a form of existentialism, essentially an attitude of liberation from traditional philosophy. Postmodernism rejects outward reality as meaningless and absurd, preferring the reality of the inward experience and emotion. In politics, postmodernism is an exhaustion with the three Modernist political theories. For example, when fascism was defeated, it became neo-fascism; the futility of Marxism descended into neo-Marxism; Liberalism devolved into neoliberalism, neoconservatism, postliberalism, transgenderism, transhumanism, etc. Postmodernism will progress to post-humanism, cyborgism, and finally anti-humanist campaigns to eliminate the importance and even existence of the human being in favor of AI robots as a superior artificial life form.

NEOCONSERVATISM is classical liberalism that became disillusioned with socialism and pacifism that invaded the Democratic Party by the 1960s. During the time of the Vietnam War, the hawkish Democrats jettisoned Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society programs and later joined the Republican Party in the 1980s and 1990s in droves. These “neocons” now make up about 80 percent of the Republican Party at the national level. They are pro-war and big government, but reject social programs for the poor and affirmative action. Think of Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, George W. Bush, John McCain, Bob Dole, William Kristol, Robert Kagan and Victoria Nuland (husband and wife team), etc.

NEOLIBERALISM refers to market-oriented reform policies such as eliminating price controls, deregulating capital markets, lowering trade barriers and reducing, especially through privatization and austerity, state influence in the economy. To achieve their goals, the Leftist extremists among the neoliberals use cultural warfare in the form of woke politics, cultural Marxism (which isn’t really Marxist, but postmodernist) and social justice. Think of Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, etc.

NATIONALISM, like populism and progressivism, is not a political theory or system, but a movement. It could be called an urge. Literally it means the belief in the nation or the idea of the nation. Nation comes from nat-, “born,” from the verb nasci, “to be born.” This is the belief in the country of one’s birth or fatherland. Nationalism can be associated with any system of government. Unfortunately, there is a negative connotation with the National Socialist Party of Germany in the 1930s and ’40s, which is synonymous with German fascism or the Nazis. National socialism as a form of fascism would be the belief in the superiority of one’s race or nation. This is the reason why the term “Christian Nationalism” has become controversial. Leftists use it to mean a form of fascism, which is an unfounded accusation, rather than the intended meaning, which is the love of our Christian civilization and heritage.

PATRIOTISM from pater or “father,” is the belief in one’s fatherland or national heritage. Patriotism can be used as a synonym for nationalism. To distinguish between the two, many Christians simply use the term, “Christian Patriot Movement,” to describe the idea of restoring America as a Christian nation or civilization. Nationalism can mean the allegiance to one’s national state or race, while patriotism is the love of one’s family, community and people.

POPULISM means the people’s movement, from the word populus, or people. Populism might be left wing or right wing. Like nationalism, it is not a political system, but rather a movement. Currently, America’s right wing populist movement is about two to three times larger than the leftist populist movement. Ironically, the two polar opposites have been coming into agreement on issues to oppose the permanent political class and corporate capitalism.

PROGRESSIVISM is any movement that seeks change or progress, but is usually associated with left wing politics. Since the late 19th century, progressives have thought it is possible to improve human societies through an emphasis of political action over cultural and civilizational forces.

Glossary Headings

Political Theories
Modern Political Movements
Forms of Government
Modern Political Counterfeits
Political World Orders
Culture and Society
Regional and Global Organizations
World Reserve Currency
World Financial Organizations
Globalist Think Tanks, Theories, and Doctrines


The Fourth Political Theory in Biblical Perspective

Jay Rogers

A Christian civilization is emerging from under the wreckage of Modern culture.

A Christian civilization is emerging from under the chaos that has been strewn throughout the wreckage of Modern culture. As dawn breaks through the darkness, many will be awakened to a new understanding of the fulfillment of the Law through love and grace. Many will comprehend, as if for the first time, what it means to be truly human. We are being prepared to overcome a world system that has denied God, faith, family, and even humanity itself. This book analyzes and critiques several leading experts in the theory of the rising multipolar world including –

The Changing World Order by Ray Dalio
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