MODERNISM developed in the 18th and 19th centuries as a result of scientific rationalism. It is the idea that the new materialist worldview is the truth, while the old values based on religion are fading away. By the 1960s, it was common to hear the younger generation saying, “C’mon, Get with it man, this is the 20th century!” Family, faith and traditional morality are outmoded and old-fashioned. Therefore, these must be replaced with new political notions enforced as the only acceptable worldview to be promoted through civil politics, mass media, entertainment and education.
MODERNITY is the era in which this all took place and a blanket term for all Modernist philosophies.
- Liberalism – the subject is individual rights
- Communism – the subject is class
- Fascism – the subject is race or the state
Fascism was defeated by a WWII alliance between Liberal and communist nations in 1945. Communism died of old age in 1991. Liberalism committed suicide in 2022.15
LIBERALISM (with a capital “L”) is the political philosophy of the West and of all major political parties.16
CONSERVATISM is right-wing Liberalism.
LIBERALISM (or liberalism with a small “l”) is left-wing Liberalism.
15 There are no fascist or communist systems left in the world. Not really. Some smaller nations are communist in name, but in reality are simply autocratic socialist systems. There is no serious vision anymore to achieve Marx’s idea of a worldwide communist revolution and a resulting workers’ paradise. No one of importance at a national level in politics really believes this anymore. Liberalism is dead as of 2022, or at least is now rotting from the head downward. What we have left are simulacra, cheap facsimiles of the lost originals – and chimeras, hybrid monsters that result from combining elements of failed political theories from the past, which have been exposed as illusory and impossible to achieve. Postliberal and post-communist governments try to syncretize their systems along the continuum of socialism/capitalism and autocracy/democracy.
16 Throughout this book I use the capital “L” to refer to Liberal democracy and the small “l” to refer to any left-wing political alignment. All Western political parties still place individual rights as their subject. Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, all European parties, etc. – are Liberal (with a capital “L”). Each proposes that individual rights are the subject of politics with man and not God as the central authority. Occasionally, there emerges a political party, such as the United States Constitution Party, that recognizes the “Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the Universe and of these United States” – our Logos. Such movements struggle to get even one percent of the vote in western elections. It must be stressed though that the goal of a Fourth Political Theory is not to succeed first in politics, but to rebuild our civilization from the ground up on faith, family, tradition and shared cultural history. As we do this, reformation in civil politics will follow.
Glossary Headings
Political Theories
Modern Political Movements
Forms of Government
Modern Political Counterfeits
Political World Orders
Culture and Society
Regional and Global Organizations
World Reserve Currency
World Financial Organizations
Globalist Think Tanks, Theories, and Doctrines
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