Three great modernist political theories emerged in the last 300 years of Western history – Liberalism in the 1700s, communism in the 1800s, and fascism in the 1900s. Fascism was destroyed by the United States and the Soviet Union in 1945, two nations that represented and led the Liberal and communist worlds. Communism died of old age in 1991. Liberalism committed suicide by 2022.
In response, many would-be reformers of our day speak of recovering a “Christian nation.” I see that as a positive development, as long as we define what we mean. It is important that we do not imagine that the answer is a knee-jerk recapitulation to a previous era. To reform our worldview and political system to an earlier form of Modernism – one that still held out the vestiges of traditional values – only sets us again on the path that led us to our current state. Modernity must be confronted and defeated precisely because it seeks to destroy the foundations of faith, family, freedom, and Christian social order. This does not mean that we seek to go back in time. Rather we must first defeat Modernism in our own thinking. Then we must restore the firm foundations and move forward.
Throughout this book, it is important to note that when I speak of “America,” I have in mind any nation in the West. The United States has become the figurehead of the collective West’s Liberal values. Likewise, when I speak of the “West,” I am addressing any political system or culture that is Liberal in nature, even those outside of the geographic west. We are beginning to see the majority of nations in the world, the Rest, aligning against the West. Liberals believe that this is an attack on America or the collective West. It is not. It is rather a movement to recover something that has almost been lost in the Modern world, although it is not far from each of us. The “West” has become a Liberal worldview and ideology. Therefore, as Christians in the West, we should organize a company of spiritually-minded brothers and sisters who will join with other like-minded people to “fight the West within the west.” We are not unpatriotic or anti-American. Instead we fight against the Western Liberal political system. We fight for a Christian civilization. That is our destiny.
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