Related Articles:
- Chapter 2 - Abortion in Biblical Perspective
- Chapter 3 - Abortion ... The Devil’s Mousetrap
- Chapter 4 - The Origin of Child Sacrifice
- Chapter 5 - The History of Human Sacrifice
- Chapter 6 - Modern Witchcraft and Child Sacrifice
- Chapter 7 - Witchcraft, Feminism and Child Sacrifice
- Chapter 8 - Do What Thou Wilt - Witchcraft and Satanism
- Chapter 9 - Defeating Jezebel
- Chapter 10 - Tearing Down the High Places

Chapter 1 – Abortion: The Religion of Witchcraft and Child Sacrifice
by Eric Holmberg and Jay Rogers
“You practice your religion and let me practice mine.”
“My religion is a holy ritual child sacrifice.”
- Patricia Baird-Windle,
Founder and owner of Aware Woman Center for Choice
On August 4, 1992, two employees of Aware Woman Center for Choice, Veronica Jordan and Rebecca Morris, registered a non-profit religious corporation known as the Wiccan Religious Cooperative of Florida (WRCF). The stated purpose of the WRCF is to provide an umbrella organization for witch covens throughout the state of Florida. The incorporation papers list two abortion clinic employees its directors. Aware Woman Center for Choice is one of Florida’s largest abortion clinics.
Shortly after the Wiccan Religious Cooperative of Florida was founded, Carol Ebbing, another Aware Woman abortion clinic employee, ordered this book entitled: The Sacrament of Abortion.
The book, authored by Ginnette Paris, presents abortion as “a sacred act.”
Paris calls abortion “a sacrifice to Artemis, who refuses to give life if the gift is not pure.”

The January 1993 issue of the Wiccan Open Circle newsletter described the founding of the Wiccan Religious Cooperative of Florida:
“A year ago the dream of an umbrella group under which many covens would function and be committed to peace and harmony ‘For The Good Of All,’ was just that, a dream. But now it is a reality and a very, very big part of the lives of many people.”
This same newsletter, published at the time the pro-life organization, Operation Rescue National, held an event in Melbourne, Florida, alerted Central Florida area Wiccans and Pagans.
“… steps are being taken to protect not only Aware Woman, but a woman’s right to choose. Work is being done mundanely, financially, and magically, to help get through the next few months and beyond.”
Readers of Open Circle were encouraged to become “clinic escorts” – and were told how they could help fund the South Brevard National Organization of Woman’s program to “help low income women have abortions.”
Wiccans were also encouraged to work their magic on the area surrounding the Aware Woman abortion clinic:
“… many individuals and groups have been helping to magically protect the building and property … This has been done by magical and psychic shielding being put on and around the property….”
Is this just an aberration; a bizarre but one-of-a-kind example of an abortion clinic that happens to have ties to a witches’ coven? Or is it representative of something deeper, more sinister and, yes, even endemic to the entire abortion movement?
When we consider abortion, most people immediately think of the medical procedure with all its profound social and political implications. These have and will continue to be well-known, discussed and debated. But what few understand are the deeper spiritual realities that swirl beneath its surface. And it’s here, when we pull the lid off and examine this ancient procedure from a biblical and spiritual perspective, its far greater implications are revealed.
And that is precisely what we will attempt to do in this presentation; to gain an eternal, God’s-eye-view on what has become one of the most common medical procedures in the world. For those with eyes to see and hearts to understand and obey, abortion will no longer be just a political or social issue. It will be seen as a key component in vast spiritual conspiracy – one rooted in paganism and the tradition of child sacrifice – one that manifests the very essence and power of hell itself – and one that will ultimately determine if the nation that practices it will live…or die.
The Abortion Matrix is made up of a dozen short, separate but interconnected chapters; individual essays that examine the reality and ramifications of abortion from a number of what we trust are interesting, compelling albeit very sobering perspectives. In this, it lends itself perfectly to repeated viewing with discussion and prayer in a Sunday school, home church, classroom or devotional setting. And both the conclusion as well as the extras on this DVD are replete with all manner of action items so that you can be a doer as well as a hearer of the Word of God.
“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1:22).
And one last thing before we get started. By virtue of our subject matter, what follows will not be pretty, pleasant or accommodating… for anyone. Like the many documentaries about the Final Solution and the Nazi death camps, this presentation simply seeks to bring this new holocaust into the light so that the murders will one day stop and we can echo the cry of those who saw what happened at Dachau, Treblinka and Auschwitz: “NEVER AGAIN.”
So be forewarned: this program is intense and may not be suitable for younger viewers. But more than just the young, I want to also caution those of you who have either had or in some way participated in an abortion to prepare yourself for what may be a rough ride. Likely your heart will be opened and you will better understand what really happened when you exercised your so-called right to choose.
That understanding will hurt. But to paraphrase Jesus, no one can ascend unless they first descend. (John 3:13) You can never know the full magnitude of the light until you face the darkness; neither the full force of forgiveness until you understand your sin.
I should know. I’m one of those people. And I would encourage you if you are one of those as well: lay hold of the Bible’s good and gracious promises; among them: that those who have been forgiven much can and should in turn love all the more.
“Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgive – for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.” Luke 7:47
And the forgiveness and love the LORD can pour into your heart can not only set you free, it can make you all the more effective as an instrument of righteousness in this great battle for life.
1 Comment
I am glad that you found me, & it is no accident that you have found me. I am in a deep search & discovery of these truths, & the deceptions that have steered man to believe that these acts are right, when they are nothing more than the sacrificial requirements of Satan. We must continue to expose his evil works. I ordered your DVD & will eventually order them all.