Why Creeds and Confessions?

Modern Dissent from the Creeds Driving down a country road sometime, you might see a fundamentalist church with a sign proudly proclaiming: “No book but the Bible — No creed but Christ.” The problem with this statement is that the…

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Jesus Christ: Fully Man and Fully God At the end of the 19th century, a school of liberal theologians arose in Germany. They were called the higher critics. Their proclaimed goal was to isolate the “true historical Jesus” from the…

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Protestants and Roman Catholics

The Reformation Paradigm All over the world today it is happening afresh. Evangelical Christians are rediscovering the literary works of the Protestant Reformation and are self-consciously studying Protestant theology as a model for a new Reformation. There is no doubt…

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Christianity and the Cults

There are no new heresies, only old wolves dressed up in new sheep’s clothing. When we view the heresies of the first five centuries of Christianity, we see that all of the modern “cults” which threaten the Christian Church are…

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About the author

John Christopher (“Jay”) Rogers was born in Washington D.C. on June 24, 1962, the feast day of John the Baptist, the “Forerunner.” He grew up in Framingham, Massachusetts, a town in the Boston metropolitan area. Jay is a graduate of…

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WHERE LIGHT MEETS DARKNESS THERE YOU WILL FIND THE CHAMPIONS! In perilous times, God has always raised up champions of faith who were not afraid to confront the powers of darkness in their generation. “And the Philistines stood on a…

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The Model of Christian Liberty. This DVD includes “Dawn’s Early Light: A Brief History of America’s Christian Foundations” and bonus features.

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