Champion Water Skier

GAINESVILLE, FL (FR) – A championship water skier who won the national title for slalom skiing in August of this year says she finds more fulfillment in her relationship with Jesus Christ than in the fame and excitement of athletic…

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Virginity in Vogue

The Sexual Revolution of the 1960s is coming to an abrupt halt and virginity is making a comeback on high school campuses. That’s the report from the Princeton Religion Research Center, which recently announced that an increasing proportion of Americans…

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Unholy Hollywood

Violence: The Mainstreaming of Mayhem In 1967, Warren Beatty released his famous gangster movie, Bonnie and Clyde, and immediately caused a sensation – it was no ordinary cops and robbers film. At first it looks like we are being treated…

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Students March at U.Va.

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA (FR) – Students at the University of Virginia celebrated the 100th anniversary of the construction of the school’s chapel by staging an impressive march on campus. Over 80 people carrying flags and banners walked through the U.Va. grounds…

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Tiananmen Square Massacre

The drama unfolding in the People’s Republic of China before the watching world is not only setting the stage for a political revolution … it is signaling a spiritual awakening of massive proportions. Influenced by a fast-growing Christian revival, as…

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The Force Behind Rock

Grimly Fiendish plays the game that never pays sing out loud but never prayed. Grimly Fiendish wears a coat that’s black and long he doesn’t know that it’s all wrong. Simply fiendish, a child caught in a grown up world,…

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The Silent Scream

Ronald Reagan changed his view as a result of watching The Silent Scream – a movie he considered so powerful and convicting that he screened it at the White House.

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