A Declaration of Personhood Now!

Above: The Personhood NOW Team in Florida

I recently talked to a nationally known Christian leader who opposes the Personhood Amendment in the state of Florida. His reasoning was that with the current make-up of the Supreme Court, that it is “bad timing.” I then asked him what was his organization’s plan to finally end all child killing in Florida. He said, “We want a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution. No question!” But as for right now, he opposes any attempt at it. He is also weighing if he should publicly make a statement against Personhood.

Then I thought about the oddity of making such a statement. These “pro-life” organizations publicly ally themselves with the pro-abortion advocates who oppose Personhood, but they secretly hope to switch sides once they will see that Personhood Amendments are gaining ground. They even agree that we will win eventually. It reminds me of the Italians in World War Two. No one today remembers that the nation of Italy eventually helped defeat Hitler. They only remember Mussolini. They remember that Christian leaders in Italy did not do enough to oppose Hitler. That is how the “Christian” enemies of Personhood will be remembered too.

I can understand the “timing” issue. There is a time when a frontal assault may not be wise. American troops didn’t enter the front against Hitler until we thought we could win. But we did what we could in the meantime to show our support for nations such as Great Britain who were already in the thick of the battle. In any case, I can’t understand working against a strategy that we think must eventually win.

What we need to say to the “pro-life” enemies of the state Personhood Amendments, is that this is a battle for “right now.” This is not a political or social battle. It is a covenantal battle. Pro-abortion laws are not fought against because of political expediency. Child murder is a gross act of rebellion and idolatry against God.

We will be judged by God and by history as to whether we obeyed from the beginning. Partial obedience is disobedience. Delayed obedience is disobedience. Incremental obedience is disobedience. God requires total obedience to the best of our knowledge and ability.

The war isn’t going to be won by a clever or pragmatic approach. It is going to be won because God sees full repentance among a remnant of His people. I submit that the remnant is here, but simply needs to be activated with this knowledge that we are in a covenantal battle and that we will inevitably win the war if we obey. If we work toward Personhood NOW, we will eventually get there. If we delay our obedience, then we will be counted among those who opposed Personhood when our support was needed the most.


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A militant pro-choice blog.

Thanks Jay.

There are two groups at least among pro-life. One is more political but the other just wants the killing to stop. Count me for the latter. We have to try, timing or no.

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