A Revival of God’s Law

I sold seven copies of God’s Law and Society in about 12 hours today.


This was my first video project with Reel to Real Ministries in 1999. Sales of the video were brisk in those first few months. It filled a niche market for Christians interested in the idea of Revival and Reformation from a practical biblical law based paradigm. It also answered the many objections Christians have about applying biblical law to the civil realm.

However, I never expected it to be a best seller or earn me a full-time working wage. The plan for the long term is to keep producing similar media projects until there is a large enough product base and a clientéle that will enable me to do this on a full-time basis.

Six months ago, we finally remastered God’s Law and Society to DVD and lowered the price from $39.95 to a bargain price of $19.95. It’s two discs and over four hours of teaching. Still I usually sell a few copies of this DVD along with a similar title called The Beast of Revelation: Identified with Ken Gentry.

A good month will net a few hundred dollars of sales. This is without any advertising or promotion on my part except for the web presence of two e-commerce stores where I sell books and DVDs. The small profit earned goes back into ministry-oriented projects.

So the current success streak is gratifying. Yet this is also puzzling. I am getting some free advertising and promotion from someone somewhere. I have a couple of ideas on what the source may be, but I am not 100 percent certain. It could be a recent fundraising mailer I did to promote my upcoming missions trip to Ukraine in July. It could be an unsolicited plug from a theonomist blogger. It could be one or more of the YouTube videos clips from this project. If you can help solve the mystery it would be greatly appreciated.

In any case, there is no time like the peak of a success cycle to do some shameless self-promotion. So here is more information and here is how to order.

God’s Law and Society

Includes a free on-line Study Guide!

Ten parts, over four hours of instruction!

King David exulted in Psalm 119: “Oh, how I love Thy law! It is my meditation day and night!” Tragically, the testimony of most Christians today is: “How I ignore Thy law because I am under grace!” The result? An America where over 40 percent of the population (including the President) claim to be born-again, where babies are being sacrificed in the name of “choice,” homosexuality is protected, even celebrated, where good is called evil and evil good.

God’s Law and Society features 16 noted Christian leaders and scholars, each an expert in applying the Ten Commandments to American life!

This presentation gives biblically sound teaching in a four-hour series, divided into ten parts – a perfect format for group instruction as well as personal Bible study!

This series provide a fascinating introduction to these critical issues and serves as a primer on the biblical worldview that gave rise to the American experiment in liberty and self-government. Perfect for group instruction as well as personal Bible study, this presentation series is strong meat for anyone who is ready to understand the true difference between good and evil! (Heb. 5:14)

This provocative presentation will help you form a comprehensive biblical worldview on God’s Law. The ten short 20-minute programs feature answers to thought provoking questions, such as:

  1. Are we under Law or under Grace?
  2. How does the Old Testament Law apply today?
  3. Can we legislate morality?
  4. What about the separation of church and state?
  5. Was America founded as a Christian nation?
  6. What would a Christian America look like?

Speakers include: George Grant, Howard Phillips, R.C. Sproul Jr., Kenneth L. Gentry, Gary DeMar, Jay Grimstead, R.J. Rushdoony, Andrew Sandlin, Stephen McDowell, Robert Schenk, Steve Schlissel, Phillip Vollman, Monte Wilson, Doug Wilson, and Jeff Ziegler.


wow that's really great! God bless you and your success. If i ever see your book I'll definitely pick it up. Visit my site if you ever get a chance:
Enjoyed reading your blog! I'll definitely pick up your book if I get the chance. Visit my page anytime you like!

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