Abortion Clinic 911 Calls Videos

I am currently working on a Baby Rowan video that will probably be in three or four parts. This will be even more sensational and harder to refute than the several videos we did about Aware Woman.

Rowan was a baby born alive in about the fifth month (22 weeks) of pregnancy and left to die at the EPOC abortion clinic in Orlando. The abortionist? None other than convicted felon James Scott Pendergraft. This is more common than people think. In this case, there are police reports, an autopsy, several photos of a perfectly formed baby and several 911 calls to corroborate this woman’s story. How can anyone say that this was not homicide? If people see this with their own eyes and still try to refute it, the only thing they can really say is that the murder of a viable infant ought to be legal.

Look for these videos in a few weeks on YouTube. You can be alerted when these videos become available by subscribing to my VLog at YouTube.


In the last few weeks, the traffic for the Aware Woman 911 Emergency Calls (1 of 4) has picked up. This was the first pro-life video I posted on YouTube. It looks like it’s at more than 100 views per day now up from 50 just a few weeks ago. These things have a way of snowballing as the word gets out. The total views topped 4,000 today. That’s not bad for a two month audience. Let’s hope it accelerates and reaches 100,000 this year. Check it out:

Video: Abortion Clinic 911 Calls Videos
Abortion Clinic 911 Calls Videos
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This is the composite of the 911 calls we knew about when several women at the Aware Woman abortion clinic suffered perforations of their uteruses and severe bleeding and had to be rushed to the hospital. The video hard to refute because it shows the ambulances arriving and leaving. It shows that a lot of abortion doctors, like William Philip Egherman, are either incompetent or in a hurry. (By the way, that’s Egherman in the last frame of the video.) Common sense should tell people, pro-life or pro-abortion, that this is a dangerous procedure that harms woman and takes the life of a baby.

I don’t discount the total depravity of man, but most people still care about injuring themselves. It didn’t have a single negative comment until recently:

“Wow, how dare they invade the privacy of the ambulance drivers, the children, the neighborhood. This just goes to show the vicious nature of these so-called pro-lifers who are simply looking for a way to control others. How does this talk women out of having abortions? Having two or three calls for an ambulance is supposed to deter us? More mothers die from childbirth. Trust me, abortion is very very rarely regretted.”

The attitude is, “You can’t stop us. We are committed to abortion and none of your reporting and research into its dangers and is going to change that!”

Let’s ignore the fact that this was at only one clinic in the space of 18 months. There were several other botched procedures that we know of as well. This is by a doctor who rarely performed more than 20 abortions a week at that clinic.

There is a growing segment of people who have become hardened, but on the whole people are not that heartless. A more typical “pro-choice” response is:

“Powerful piece of footage. Well put together. Have mixed views on Abortion myself, but clearly this clinic needs closing down. One thing they are not is AWARE. Sending my thoughts to all who need.”


Well just saying someone’s life won’t be happy isn’t reason enough to terminate it. I’m pro choice but for the reason of safety for women who will have one regardless if its legal or not. But I am certainly not pro choice as a way of eliminating poor people. You can’t justify abortion as a way of getting rid of undesirable people.

This is the great common-sense moderate middle who we need to influence.

UPDATE: See the video —

Video: Abortion Clinic 911 Calls Videos
Abortion Clinic 911 Calls Videos
Click play to connect to youtube


You need to become a regular over at the RealChoice blog. We need more people who are able to say what nastiness they've observed.

Isn't Meredith Rainey (sp?) with y'all there in Melbourne?

And I have GOT to add this forum to my sidebar.
Yes, you can read all about Meredith at:


I participate in these debates on YOUTUBE and on this blog. I need to get my own discussion board going too. I am involved also in Reforned Christian Culture at Yahoo Groups sometimes. That's already too much.

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