Abortion Clinic 911 Emergency Calls (3 of 4)

Video: Abortion Clinic 911 Emergency Calls (3 of 4)
Abortion Clinic 911 Emergency Calls (3 of 4)
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For more information: https://www.forerunner.com/prolife.html

This short series of videos documents the ravaging damage that abortion causes for most women who abort.

In part 3 of this series, Pat McEwen Ph.D. focuses on some of the local abortion doctors who have performed abortions in Melbourne, Florida and elsewhere.

William Philip Egherman shockingly has left a trail of injured women. He has now been exposed to the public through this video series.

Another abortion doctor, James Scott Pendergraft, went to jail for extortion, had his license to practice medicine suspended, and had his chain of abortion clinics shut down health and legal violations.

Two other local abortionists, Randall Whitney and Patricia Baird-Windle, fought each other in court when one tried to open a clinic that would have competed with the other. It’s ironic because for years Aware Woman claimed to want to offer a variety of “health services” in a convenient location. When another doctor wanted to do the same, Pat Windle actually told the pro-life activists where he would be opening his clinic. Some of the abortion clinic volunteers who protested in favor of Pat Windle’s clinic soon dropped their support of Aware Woman when they witnessed this hypocrisy.

So much for wanting to keep abortion “safe, legal and rare”!

Finally, Dr. Pat examines the link between abortion and breast cancer. She answers the propaganda campaign by Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers who falsely claim that there is no evidence to suggest a link between abortion and cancer.

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