A favorite slogan of pro-choice (read: pro-abortion) advocates is “Keep abortion safe and legal!” Having lived directly across the street from an abortion clinic for seven years, I disagree. Abortion is never safe even though it is now legal. A few years ago, I compiled some video footage of ambulance calls to the Aware Woman abortion clinic. As far as we know, there were at least five 911 calls to rescue/emergency concerning women who were the victims of botched abortions in a period of less than one year.
Over the weekend, I interviewed two pro-life counselors in Melbourne, Florida who have witnessed these emergency cases resulting from botched abortions. It’s a lot more common than people think. I am in the process of creating a higher bandwidth version of the abortion clinic 911 calls video. This will be accompanied by interviews with Dr. Pat McEwen and Lydia Baker.
This streaming video was sensational a few years ago when I first compiled it. The video got thousands of downloads. However, with high speed internet access now so common, I want to offer this superior version. Pro-lifers will have access to the code in order to embed the video in their own websites. Look for the video in a few days at our pro-life videos website.
My prayer is that people’s eyes will be open to the danger of abortion both on a physical and spiritual level and that abortion endangers the lives of many women, and it goes without saying, millions of unborn children.
It's fascinating how the media play up the "safe" side of abortion, when regardless of where the procedure is performed, or how experienced the doctor is, it's never a completely safe procedure: with the surgical abortion, there are always the risks of internal bleeding and scarring, uteran puncture, infertility, and even death in some cases (during a miscariage experience a few years ago, I did some research into the DNC procedure, which is common practice for both miscarriages and also abortions, and it was alarming to find out how dangerous the procedure can be). Equally frightening in post-dnc hemorrhaging, which can be life-threatening. Again, you're not going to hear things like this in the mainstream media, which is really unfortunate.