An investigation into the writings of Jay Rogers (a video)

Amazingly, the above link is an investigative video report, fairly well-done, that critiques one of my articles on Witchcraft and Abortion. In the video, the videographer claims he came to Melbourne to investigate the claims of my articles. I am fascinated by lengths to which people will go who are fascinated by me.

My offensive articles are here:

Due to a misquote in the field, the international director of the evangelical was referred to as “Jay Roberts” in Scene 3 of the Beyond Logic Network’s experimental film series. The correct spelling of his name is “Jay Rogers.” We apologize for any misrepresentation or confusion this may have caused.

The original summary of this episode reads as such: Following yet another lead he had picked up during his work with the preachers in Turlington Plaza, [Aries] Ashkuff investigates a so-called “witch cult” that has taken root in Palm Bay, and visits the private residence of their high priest.

BTW: I finished watching Lake of Fire and in it Pat Windle is seen standing in front of my house claiming (not naming names of course) that I got a voyeuristic sexual thrill out of watching women come to get abortions because I never had had sex myself — (or maybe she was talking about someone else?)

Of course, that is nothing new. It was one of Pat’s favorite temper tantrum talking points. But it was kind of surreal to see my house in the background and her pointing at it.

My response: These people can say whatever they want, just as long as they spell my name right!

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