This was an important event in the Operation Save America outreach in Orlando, Florida. We held a memorial service for an aborted baby girl who had been discarded as trash at an abortion clinic several years ago. The service was held at the Orange County jail on the day of Casey Anthony’s release on July 17th, 2011. I did not enjoy being there for obvious reasons. It was disturbing to video record the people’s reactions as they were passing the casket of little Baby Choice (also called, Baby Esther). There are over 3000 Caylee Anthony’s each day in America. That ought to sadden and disturb us. Also, the murder of born children by their parents is at epidemic proportions. Flip Benham here asks us to “connect the dots.” It’s not easy to think about, but it’s true.

By Flip Benham, Director, Operation Save America
And judgment is turned away backward, and justice stands afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Yes, truth fails; and he that departs from evil makes himself a prey: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment (Isaiah 59:14,15).
God gave us an incredible platform to connect the dots between what Casey Anthony did to her little Caylee Marie and what mothers are doing to their children in the womb via abortion. Casey just waited two and a half years longer to get rid of Caylee (Later-Term Abortion) than the mothers who have aborted their children. All of the eyes of the world were on the Orange County Jail as Casey Anthony was about to be released. National and international media were everywhere. The stage was set.
Early Sunday morning, we conducted a funeral service at the Orange County Jail for little baby Esther, a child aborted by her mother and father. We then held an open casket viewing of this precious little baby girl. Though all the media was there with their huge satellite trucks, no one came. No one cared. No one wanted to see.
The Bible tells us that God is not mocked, whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap. We are reaping a horrible harvest of violence in America today, as blood is coursing down the corridors of our schools, workplaces, and streets. If we sow bloodshed in the womb, we will reap bloodshed in the streets. To stop violence in the streets, we must first stop bloodshed in the womb.
The world did not want to see nor did it want to hear God’s message to America. But it was proclaimed from the rooftops, nevertheless.
The media was too busy treating the symptoms of America’s injustice to report the root cause. The abortion culture has spawned incredible devastation upon the American family. It has turned formerly concerned parents into predators who prey upon their own children in order to obtain a better life. This was proudly displayed by Casey Anthony’s “La Bella Vida” (the good life) tattoo. She sported this tattoo after Caylee was missing.
Millions of abortion-minded women display the same cavalier attitude when it comes to their own offspring. Children must be disposed of in order to continue the party life unhindered by parental responsibility. This is nothing less than the “all about me and I pity the fool who seeks to awake me from my deceptive selfishness” syndrome that leads to the murder of children. Flip commenting on this tragedy stated:
Justice has failed, but judgment remains!
God’s judgment for Casey Anthony began the moment she “chose” her right to “La Bella Vida” (the good life) which eclipsed little Caylee Marie’s right to any life at all. There is a law of spiritual gravity that is as absolute as the law of gravity on this earth. It applies to all people, at all places, at all times. You may disagree with it, but that does not change its absolute effect upon you.
Yes, a final judgment remains for Casey Anthony, but her judgment has already begun. It is a spiritual gravity as certain and as objectively true as the physical law of gravity. “A man tormented by the guilt of murder will become a fugitive until death; let no one support him.” Proverbs 28:17. That which Casey thought was going to set her free to do whatever she wanted to do, has already become a ball and chain around her neck dragging her into the depths of despair, despond, and depression. There won’t be enough margaritas to assuage her guilty conscience, not enough lines of cocaine she can snort, not enough relationships with other men, not enough hours on a psychiatrist’s couch, not enough money, not enough education, not enough fame, not enough Zoloft or Prozac, to make her pain go away.
The way she thought would set her free, has made her a fugitive, a slave until death. God has given us Casey Anthony to bring us into a full blown realization of what happens when a mother aborts (kills) her own child. The courts of this world may say it is legal or give one a “Not Guilty” verdict, but in God’s court the judgment has already begun.*
Many were outraged by this verdict, but why should they be? Roe v. Wade trained an entire generation with a demonic view towards life, babies and family. The message is clear, if you cannot handle the responsibility of your actions then kill it. Now, we are upset that people are living out the lessons learned by this unjust ruling. Injustice begets more injustice. Except this time, it is spilling out of the womb in the light of day rather than hidden in American death camps that dot the landscape of our beleaguered nation.
Editor’s note: Flip Benham and Rustty Thomas tried to visit Casey and minister the Gospel to her in the hopes she would recognize her wretched state, repent and find the salvation of God.