Does America stand alone against Islamic terrorism?

A friend of mine recommended a book called America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It by Michael Steyn. Steyn says that in the face of the Islamic threat, the world will be divided between America and the rest and for our sake America had better win. Although Europe now has more Muslims than ever before, this is mainly due to immigration from Europe’s bordering Muslim nations. I think the greatest threat to the United States and Europe is from the radical left and western humanism, not Islam.

Islam will not have a significant influence in America. Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists make up less than five percent of the total United States population. That is not likely to change.

Christianity is actually outpacing Islam worldwide: In 1900, Africa had 10 million Christians or about 9 percent of its population. Today, there are roughly 360 million out of 784 million people or 46%. Latin America has 480 million Christians. Asia has another 300 million. At this rate of growth, Christianity will be the dominant religion with 2.5 billion within the next 25 years. There will be Muslims who will become radicalized as a result of Christ’s victory, but then again, predictions about America becoming Islamic are exaggerated.

Remember all the doomsday books in the 1970s and 1980s? The killer bees are coming tomorrow, nuclear holocaust is The Day After, followed in a few weeks by new uncurable strains of deadly disease, biological warfare and genetic mutants. If the 1980s were not the Decade of Shock, then did we learn nothing from the false prophets of the Y2K scare?

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One of my favorite songs from the early 1970s is a comic ragtime novelty piece by Ray Davies called Acute Schizophrenia Paranoia Blues. It describes the way that conspiracy theorists think. I read in the news not long ago that it turns out we actually have killer bees in Florida now. But it’s not the end of the world as we know it.


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