Does Charlie Daniels know he is sharing the bill with an abortionist?

JoDell Lynne Nauert – Country Music Singer, School Board Member, Child Killer

I have to admit, when I first saw this, I thought there must be two JoDell Nauerts – the wife of the late abortionist George Michael Nauert – and the country music singer of JoDell and the Mountain Road Band. Then I found that the home of the country singer is in the town of Tarpon Springs, Florida. To my amazement, it turns out they are the same person.

I still find it hard to believe, but it is true.

Here’s the story. Abortion clinic chain owner George Michael Nauert died on April 27, 2007. The last time he appears on the Woman’s Health Center corporation papers is November 2007. His former wife, Marsha Nauert, also appeared on his corporation papers from 1977 until the time of their divorce on November 14th, 1984. JoDell Nauert, a subsequent wife about 28 years younger, was listed as the only other officer at the time of George Nauert’s death.

An Operation Save America story described a picket at George Michael Nauert’s home a few years back.

… the team and supporters took a thirty minute trip to the Tarpon Springs home of abortionist, George Nauert. Traffic on the busy country road slowed as the graphic ministry of ‘Malachi’ reached out to soften hearts. A large yellow arrow with the word ABORTIONIST pointed to the immense estate purchased with the blood of thousands of innocent pre-born children. Nauert owns four abortion mills, including the Sarasota Women’s Health Center where Matthew ‘headbanger’ Kachinas continues in Nauert’s stead. (see article Violence Erupts).

Abortion Mill Owner

Jodell Nauert is now the president of three abortion corporations (the Sarasota mill closed a few years back.) She’s not a medical doctor like her late husband, but simply the owner of abortuaries in North Tampa, St Pete and Clearwater.

Her Tampa mill does late term abortions.

… at the Tampa Woman’s Health Center, where abortions are performed up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, the decision was hailed as “a victory for women.”

“I think it’s great that it was shot down,” JoDell Nauert, the center’s executive director, said of Nebraska’s abortion ban. “It’s the patient and the doctor who should decide what’s best, not the Legislature, not your next-door neighbor. They don’t walk in your shoes.”

Charter School Board Member

She’s on the board of a charter school in Palm Harbor.

Country Singer

She is the singer with JoDell and the Mountain Road Band that performs around the Tampa Bay area.

She offers her CDs for sale or download and you can listen to another one of her songs here.

See Jodell’s MySpace page and her Facebook fan page.

There are lots and lots of photos of her on the Internet. Her band plays at family oriented festivals. There are photos of her singing to crowds filled with young children and signing autographs.

Just a country girl singin’ country songs about “Livin’ in a cowboy town … Goin’ to church on Sunday … Ya’ll!”

The Two Faces of JoDell – Country Singer by Night, Child Killing Vampire by Day! It sounds a little like the premise for a horror film, but it’s true!

Here she is jamming with Charlie Daniels, who is an outspoken conservative Christian. According to her website, JoDell will be performing again this year at Charliepalooza, a country/rock benefit concert to be held in December 2011 at the Hard Rock Casino in Tampa, Florida. Does he know she owns three abortion mills? I doubt it.

She has also recorded a Christmas album dedicated to Angelus House, a local home and school for the handicapped.

But wait, it gets even stranger.

JoDell Nauert’s late husband, George Nauert, apparently was associated with teen Nazis growing up in Wisconsin in the 1950s. Researching abortionists is sort of like a visit with the Addams Family.

Teen ‘Gestapo’ Gang Revealed in Milwaukee Theft


MILWAUKEE (IP) — The past existence of a brown-shirted Gestapo-like gang of wealthy teenagers has been revealed in a hearing for two youths in the theft of $4,500 from a suburban home.

MacWilliam Weldon II, 17, suburban Fox Point, pleaded guilty through his attorneys to delinquency in children’s court Tuesday.

George Michael Nauert [emphasis added], 17, suburban, Whitefish Bay, pleaded innocent to the charge. He was accused of abetting the theft, from the home, of attorney Sydney C. Charney two days after Christmas.

It was brought out in the hearing late Tuesday that a group of North Shore boys had belonged to the gang called the Royalist Nazi Regime, which patterned itself after the Nazi Gestapo.

The gang met in the Fox Point home of a 19-year-old leader, it was revealed. It later changed its name to the Cavaliers and included in it number several students who attended wealthy private schools.

North Shore police officials said the gang now has disbanded. Weldon admitted taking a safe containing money from Charney’s home. Judge John J. Kenney made an immediate finding of delinquency because Weldon will be 18 on Feb. 28 and out of the jurisdiction of children’s court.

Kenney continued Nauert’s case until Mar. 5 and said he might act on Weldon’s case at that time. Nauert was accused of furnishing the floor plan of the Charney home but said he did not know it was to be used in a theft.

NOTE: George Michael Nauert is the late husband of JoDell Lynne Nauert. He graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin in 1965. He founded four abortion corporations in Florida, which run the “Woman’s Heath Center” abortion chain in Tampa, St. Petersburg and Clearwater, Florida. Another Nauert owned abortion center in Sarasota closed a few years ago. JoDell now owns the three remaining mills.

Since he was born in July 1936, this story of Feb. 25th, 1954 would put George Michael Nauert in Wisconsin at the correct age of 17 when this story was published in the Wisconsin State Journal. The more I find out about this family, the stranger it gets. I especially like his excuse to the judge that he only furnished a floor plan of a rich man’s house to a group of Neo-Nazi youth, but had no idea it was to be used in a theft.

1 Comment

What a creepy and bizarre background to JoDell.


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