Flames from John YouKnow

Every once in a while I get flames (hate email) from people I don’t know and neither can I tell why they are so upset with me.

Okay, maybe not once in a while, it’s actually more like daily.

It could be a response to one of several stances I’ve taken on abortion, paganism, witchcraft, homosexual politics, and so on — this time it was my Christian Reconstructionist leanings. But I found out only after several emails went back on forth. It’s an example of how to engage a God-hater in the opposite spirit — something we too often forget. I often can’t resist getting in a few little jibes at the expense of the self-professed enemies of God — as David, Paul and Jesus sometimes did — but sometimes it’s useful to think about the fact that these people are God’s enemies, not our own.

Here is the exchange (I have corrected his spelling):

Dude, you are a complete lunatic, you do realize that right?

It would help me a lot to know what you are referring to — an article I wrote, an article written by someone else on my website, a video?

Lol, you are overly nuts. Let’s all live like the bible says. What a dumb@$$ approach to take on life. Listen, I could care less what delusions that you have bu the minute you start trying to enforce your views on anyone else we have a problem. You have no evidence at all for your view on life, none, it is true only because you say it is true. Go live in Iran if you want to live according to strict religious principles. It’s funny because you don’t even realize it, but you are….just….like…..them.

Where have I tried to “enforce” views on people? No one can control the thoughts or the conscience — only God can do that.

_@$$#*!% You have formed a “political group” that has the aim of turning America into a society governed by laws of the Old Testament. So while you do not have the power to enforce anything on anyone at present, given the opportunity you would force all to submit to a mythical book, written by men more ignorant of the ways of the world then the modern eight year old. God controls nothing. How dense can you be? What evidence do you have that God controls ANYTHING? What a %#*&! You make me laugh. _
The goal of Christian Reconstruction is regeneration — changing people’s hearts thorugh true faith and true repentance from sin — then for a grassroots reformation of society. You cannot change a society by capturing political power and then legislating righteousness from the top-down. (More to come …)

1 Comment

You need to correct your spelling as well!...

your_ip_is_blacklisted_by sbl.spamhaus.org

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