Flip Benham and Rusty Thomas encourage pro-life street teams in Orlando

Video: Flip Benham and Rusty Thomas encourage pro-life street teams in Orlando
Flip Benham and Rusty Thomas encourage pro-life street teams in Orlando
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Flip Benham and Rusty Thomas were in Orlando from May 4th through the 7th to promote the Operation Save America National Event in July. We were at two of the abortion centers, Orlando Women’s Center and Planned Parenthood, on Saturday along with Stand4Life and other pro-life groups.

1 Comment

A good message to speak at the location. Praise the lord for your efforts. If they heard it they heard the truth, and if that message won’t touch their heart I am not sure anything will. They will have hardened their hearts to the breaking point of searing their conscience, where they will be given over to a reprobate mind.

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