One thing I forgot to mention in my last post is that you can broadcast to the entire world and not make a single convert unless the Holy Spirit is in your efforts. It is important to have a sound Gospel message. So much of the Christian material on the Internet is deficient. I am not saying that I am perfect, but I strive to publish only things that glorify God, while I realize that Christians of different theological persuasions might disagree with me. But I am always amazed and gratified whenever a new believer or a seeker after God contacts me via email.
Sometimes I’ve made a theological convert – recently there have been several people who began studying postmillennial eschatology on my web site. I was pleased to find out that I inadvertently made a convert to postmillennialism last summer through the on-line version of my book: The Four Keys to the Millennium. Or at least I influenced someone who was by the grace of God heading in that direction. I encouraged him to post his ideas on my discussion board, which you can see here and here. From what I can see, I predict that this guy will become prolific in his new passion: refuting dispensationalism! Here is another one of the messages he posted that I liked.
Of course, one can be a good Christian and hold to almost any version of eschatology – even dispensationalism. But has The Forerunner website made any converts to Christ? Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to discuss some difficult Bible questions with a Buddhist and another person who is either a new convert or is seeking. I get encouraged when I get any response to an article at the website – positive or negative – but it is especially gratifying to answer questions for new believers who are reading and getting something out of the materials that we offered. For instance, here is a message from Frank Kellam regarding our Second American Revolution website and DVD God’s Law and Society:
Thanks to Jay Rogers, Eric Holmberg and colleagues for this excellent teaching medium with new on-line study guide. We have used it for seven years with abundant fruit, especially among young disciples, both domestic and overseas.
I am not blowing my own horn here as much as trying to show that someone with just a few computer skills can consistently put out ministry materials that can eventually be used of God as much as larger missionary organizations of past years. The computer revolution has changed everything. The point here again is that anyone can use the Internet and reach thousands and even millions of people with the Gospel. Who knows if God will use it? We can only be faithful with the talents we’ve been given – to invest them in the Kingdom of God without hiding them.