Is abortion legal through all nine months of pregancy?

I wrote in one of my video blogs:

“Abortion is legal through all nine months of pregancy in all 50 states for any reason.”

I was then corrected by VOMUTE who wrote the following:

False – In the U.S. Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade it simply stated that abortion is legal by the U.S. constitution but abortion laws may be restricted by the states to varying degrees. So yes, abortion is legal, by the U.S. constitution. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t state laws which restrict late term abortions. It’s a “STATE’S” decision to what extent those laws are carried out. I assume the state you live in (as nearly every state does) has certain restrictions and laws that deal with abortion such as parental notification for minors, mandating the disclosure of abortion risk information to patients prior to treatment and yes to which trimester the abortion may take place in. I hope you noticed my emphasis on state. If you want those questions answered I recommend looking at your states laws. If you dislike what you find I recommended writing your congressmen and address the situation. You seem so scientifically and medically knowledgeable about the subject I’m surprised you didn’t know the legalities as well.

I’m also surprised while acquiring your wealth of knowledge you didn’t learn how to correctly spell PREGNANCY.

Pro-abortion? Say what? I’ve never heard of a pro-abortion organization group. Is it a cult? Is there really a group who’s promoting abortions? Are they professional abortionists? I feel a little dumb now. I’m making the assumption that you’re referring to people who consider themselves “pro-choice” which is entirely different from being “pro-abortionist”. Choice means Choosing- having the ability to choose not promoting something. Just as Anti-abortion doesn’t mean anti-choice. Before you decided to regurgitate what the media, church, parents tell you to I would recommend getting educated on the subject.

My response:

I love it when people tell me how ignorant I am and that I didn’t research my “facts,” I need to “get educated,” etc.

As Johnny Carson would say, “Here’s where you are WRONG, pro-abortion breath!”

With Doe v. Bolton, the access to abortion on demand was extended to all 50 states at any time during the pregnancy for any reason whatsoever. With any “state restriction,” the exception clause “danger to the life and health of the mother” is always required.

So all an eight-and-a half-month pregnant mother has to do is tell her doctor she is thinking about suicide or that she is having mental health problems due to her pregancy and it automatically becomes legal. In fact, many abortionists tell their patients to say this.

I call these doctors “pro-abortion” because they want child murder legalized through all nine months for any reason.

That’s the reality. You may think I am an extremist, but I am just telling the truth.

But you were right about one thing and I thank you for teaching me the correct spelling of pregnancy.

“I DID not KNOW that!”

1 Comment

Regarding VOMUTE's comments: It's always interesting when people mention the whole "pro-choice" vs. "pro-life" verbage used in the abortion argument. It reminds me of how you can quickly spot bias/objectivity in news articles. A while ago the Chicago Tribune had an article on a group it described as "opponents of reproductive rights".... give me a break! This wasn't an op-ed column or anything, but rather a regular news article on the abortion issue.
I first started spotting this verbal bias long ago when I would occasionally tune into NPR, and everything was "pro-choice" and "anti-abortion"... verbage that instantly underscores the issue bias.


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