Islam and Mormonism: Kissin’ Cousins?

By E.W. Sumner

An Islamic-Mormon connection? Come on now, you can’t be serious that there is some sort of connection between Osama bin Laden and Donny and Marie? Well folks, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (hereafter referred to as Mormons) wasn’t always Donny and Marie-like. Those clean-cut young men in their nice white shirts who upon occasion visit your door and those nice folks down at the local ward and those wonderful singers in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir have a checkered past … and the similarities between Mormonism and Islam are frightening.


The Qu’ran was revealed to Mohammed, (or Muhammad, or Muhammed, or Mahomet … let’s just call him “Mo” for short, shall we?) according to him, by the angel Jibril. Uh, who? Gabriel. At least that is what Islamic scholars would like to have you believe. Given the teachings of Qu’ran and its multiple contradictions, I’m not convinced. Chances are pretty high that you aren’t either.

Interestingly enough, our Mormon friends have a similar origin. The tenets of Mormonism were given to Joseph Smith by (yep, you guessed it) an angel. This angel called itself Moroni. Moroni also delivered teachings contrary to previously revealed truths in the Holy Scriptures.


The Qu’ran states in some sections that the Gospel is true, yet in other sections denies the Gospel entirely. Islamic teachings state the Jewish Torah and Christian Gospels have been corrupted. (Of course they have, Mo, of course they have. Eyeroll please.) To a proper Muslim, the Qu’ran is the Word of God given to Mo by Gabriel (Jibril). In Christianity, Jesus Christ Himself is the Word of God, who dwelt with God in the beginning and was God, and the Word became flesh and lived among us. Islam would like us to believe that Mo, a man who by most accounts was illiterate and poorly educated (if educated at all) dictated the Qu’ran. Given the teachings of Qu’ran and its contradictions, not to mention its fruit, Mo didn’t do a very good job of dictation.

Not to be outdone, Mormonism teaches that the Bible is the Word of God “as far as it is translated correctly” (in other words, translated by them). Furthermore, Mormonism teaches that the Book of Mormon contains “the fulness of the everlasting Gospel, as does the Bible.”

Both groups consider their pseudo-Scriptures superior to the revealed written Scripture which we have in the Old and New Testaments.

Sexual Perversion

Mohammed was by any standard, a sexual predator and a pedophile. This is made clear by the fact (undisputed by Islamic scholars) that he was betrothed to…(sensitivity warning) a six-year-old girl. No, that is not a lie. His favorite wife, Aisha, was a six-year-old girl when he became engaged to her. Now, being engaged to someone that young is creepy enough. Being engaged to someone that young in your late forties is even creepier. But lest you think that a nearly fifty-year-old man being engaged to a six-year-old girl is heinous enough, what would you think if I told you that the old pervert consummated the marriage when the girl was nine! (One Islamic scholar says ten, but what’s a year when you’re talking perversion, eh?)

Now notice if you will, that I mentioned previously that Aisha was Mo’s “favorite wife.” This implies that there were other wives. And so there were. Mohammed had (by one account I read) as many as 23 wives. Of course, he is The Prophet, so all other Islamic men are restricted to four wives. How kind of him.

Well, Mormonism is superior to Islam in that regard, isn’t it? Oh come on man, say it ain’t so, Joe. Uh sorry, Joseph Smith, the founding prophet of Mormonism, is also a pedophile and polygamist. Mr. Smith had numerous wives, at least one of whom, Helen Mar Kimball, was 14 when she was married to him. Add to this list Mary Elizabeth Rollins. whom he approached at 12, and Nancy Marinda Johnson, whom he approached at 15 in 1831 and later married in April 1842 after sending her husband Orson Hyde on a mission. Yes, Joe was an adulterer too. It is said that if he recognized a woman as a “soulmate from the pre-existence,” he would marry her regardless of whether she was already married to someone else! Fanny Alger was 16 when Smith had a relationship with her in 1833.

The Fruit of the Tree of Freakdom

Given the sexual misgivings of the founders of each of these packs of lies, it should not be surprising to you that the fruit doesn’t tend to fall far from the tree. The sexual perversions of Islam, modern Islam, have been coming to light of late. Child marriages to girls as young as ten (hey, a good Muslim needs to be like Mo) in Middle Eastern countries have been revealed, including the recent death of a 13 year old child bride in Yemen in April of this year.

Not to be outdone, Fundamentalist LDS groups practice underage polygamy as well. The entire Elizabeth Smart kidnapping was based on such perversion.

One might say: “Oh, but that’s the Fundamentalist LDS, not the Mormons we know.” Mmmm-Hmmm. It is for now. If, God forbid, some great calamity befalls the US however and government as we know it ceases to exist; or given the penchant of the Supreme Court to sanction perversion by Law, if the Court should legalize polygamy, who’s to say that Mormonism will not return to its roots en masse? After all, the truth of the matter is that the only reason polygamy is not practiced today in mainstream Mormonism is that the US government forced the LDS to renounce it. Polygamy has never been stricken from LDS “scripture.” It’s still lying there like an adder in high grass or under a rock.


I don’t need to go deeply into the Islamic history of violence. They have pretty much been violent since their inception. One might expect such from a desert nomadic tribal people, even without the religious aspect. But these kissin’ cousins have a lot in common, for the early history of what we know today as mainline Mormonism was also filled with violence.

Mormon teachings more often than not, brought them into conflict, sometimes violent conflict, with non-Mormons. To this very day, non-Mormons are called Gentiles and are not allowed into the inner courts of the Mormon temple. Islam executes kaffirs, mainline Mormonism once believed in the Blood Atonement, the concept that a person could commit crimes against Mormons for which only the shedding of the criminal’s blood could atone for the sin(s). It is believed that this Blood Atonement concept may have been the reason for atrocities committed by the LDS Danite militia in the 1838 Missouri war between LDS and Missouri citizens. Oaths of Vengeance were enacted after the death of Joseph Smith and became part of the Church’s temple ceremony six months later. (Sound a bit like an Islamic Fatwah? Does to me.)

Fundamentalist Mormons outside the mainline LDS church seem to carry out more violence, as they adhere to the original teachings of Smith and not the US government-forced brand of Mormonism we see today.

As Islam has Hezbollah and Hamas, so Mormonism had the Danite militia and the Nauvoo Legion.

Islam and Mormonism have eerily similar origins, founders, practices, perversions and penchants to violence. If the US government can regulate the LDS’ practices, why then can they not do the very same regarding Islam? Here are a couple of scary statements made by Mormons:

(T)here are many important elements of Mormon thought in which we would feel closer to the followers of Muhammad than to the contemporary Christian culture in which we have been located since our beginning. (Welcoming address by BYU Vice President Noel Reynolds on behalf of President Jeffery Holland, contained in Mormons and Muslims 1983, edited by Spencer J. Palmer published by Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University p.8).

This following is the icing on an ugly cake. On October 24, 1838 Thomas Marsh, the president of the Quorum of the Twelve signed the following:

Affidavit of Thomas B. Marsh

They have among them a company, considered true Mormons, called the Danites, who have taken an oath to support the heads of the Church in all things that they say or do, whether right or wrong. Many, however, of this band are much dissatisfied with this oath, as being against moral and religious principles. On Saturday last, I am informed by the Mormons, that they had a meeting at Far West, at which they appointed a company of twelve, by the name of the ‘Destruction Company,’ for the purpose of burning and destroying, and that if the people of Buncombe came to do mischief upon the people of Caldwell, and committed depredations upon the Mormons, they were to burn Buncombe; and if the people of Clay and Ray made any movement against them, this destroying company were to burn Liberty and Richmond.

The Prophet inculcates the notion, and it is believed by every true Mormon, that Smith’s prophecies are superior to the laws of the land. I have heard the Prophet say that he would yet tread down his enemies, and walk over their dead bodies; and if he was not let alone, he would be a second Mohammed to this generation, and that he would make it one gore of blood from the Rocky mountains to the Atlantic ocean; that like Mohammed, whose motto in treating for peace was, “the Alcoran or the Sword.” So should it be eventually with us, “Joseph Smith or the Sword.” These last statements were made during the last summer. The number of armed men at Adam-ondi-Ahman was between three and four hundred (History of the Church 3:167).

1 Comment

Wow! Fantastic article, and I enjoy the bit of levity as well, it’s almost nescessariy condsidering the disgusting perversion by which both Mormonism and islam have been found upon the revelations of the same FOUL, wicked purposed demons. I find it interesting that currently we’ve (american public) have been duped into having a Muslim President, and the press has now decided that a Mormon would be the next acceptable apointee!!!! Makes me Wonder who’s really financially supporting the RNC & DNC
coffers??? Could it be fair to say the Grand ‘demonic’ master Satan himself???
A friend once told me “Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction”.


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