My Life Story

I had such a beautiful day. Many times when I was younger, I went to the beach by myself. I loved to go out beyond the wave line where it was just over my head and float for a long time in the salt water far away from any human being. One time, I was stung by jellyfish doing that. Another time, devil rays swarmed around me during their mating season. Another time, a sea turtle popped his head up next to me startling me. Another time, I tripped over a young manatee that was swimming by.

There is always a mystery and danger in the ocean. Most times, I would just be floating in the ocean lost with my thoughts, plans and regrets and I would work things out with God. Today, I just spoke with God and told Him my life story, even though He already knows my story and knows me better than I know myself.

I haven’t done that in a long time. Just be in the ocean with God. The sea is so big and so powerful. When I am floating in the waves, I feel like God holds me in His hand and we can have communion together.

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