“Two weeks ago, my son had less rights than a dog or a cat.”
- Gaulberto Garcia Jones, Director, Personhood Colorado
Press Conference, July 2, 2009
Speaking to District Attorney Jack McCoy, Michael Cutter (Linus Roache) says, “My God, cats and dogs have more rights than the unborn. Roe v. Wade wasn’t written in stone. It could stand another look.”
- Law & Order, “Dignity,” air date: October 23. 2009
“The timing is perfect because the polls show now that more people are pro-life then pro-death.”
- Leslie Hanks, Vice President, Colorado Right to Life
Press Conference, July 2, 2009
“Its time to face the facts, the tide has turned. Most Americans are pro-life now.”
- Law & Order, “Dignity,” air date: October 23. 2009
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