Obama and Infanticide: The issue that will not go away

In the 2008 election cycle, the issue of abortion is being systematically silenced in the cacophony of Presidential rhetorical ballyhoo. From communist populism in the Obama camp to neo-conservative nativistic urges in the McCain entourage, the cause of pre-born babies is but an inconvenient blip on the political radar. Only Sarah Palin has had the intestinal fortitude to not only stand for the babies but to actually speak on behalf of the children.

Obama is what he is. He even advocates the extermination of babies born alive. This horror is known and it is unequivocally clear. Those so-called “Christians” who vote for Obamanation and the codification of state sponsored slaughter of innocents, do so in willful commissionable sin against God. McCain at least will stand for justices and states who promote the life ethic. Yet very few politicos have the guts to speak affirmatively and act pro-actively to end this horrid blight upon our nation. Most of the would be politicians who say they are pro-life do so in very hushed tones, especially at the local level. They are afraid, even embarrassed at their more strident brethren who actually defend the defenseless. For these anemics their “pro-life” stand is akin to “standing in a garage and calling yourself a car.”

Saying so doesn’t make it so.

With only a few days left to the election, I was struck by a missive from Russia, which in brief, hailed Vladimir Putin for decrying abortion (Russia’s national suicide) and its deleterious long term effects on his nation. How ironic that the ex-KGB operative signaled a “national copulation day” so as to bring more babies into the world. Now that would be an interesting policy don’t you think? Do you think our politicos would ever sound the alarm in such fashion?

I’m enclosing a video to distribute wherever you can before the election. This production brings it all to a crystalline clear message.


VIDEO: http://durarealidad.com/

Jeff Ziegler is President of Statesmen Global Initiatives.

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