Phillip Kayser endorses In the Days of These Kings

I am delighted to recommend a new commentary on the book of Daniel by my friend, Jay Rogers. While I take issue with some of the conclusions he has arrived at in this difficult book, I can honestly say that it is near the top of my list of recommendations. R.J. Rushdoony once said that there are four things liberals hate about Daniel: 1) Daniel displays a sovereign God who cannot be manipulated and who destroys all who rebel against His Law-Word, including civic rulers; 2) it showcases predictive prophecy that is infallible and sure; 3) it illustrates a comprehensive Providence that governs even the tiniest details of life and history; 4) and it unapologetically presents the reality of miracles. You can judge an author by their attitude towards those four things in Daniel.

Based on that criteria, Jay Rogers stands head and shoulders above a crowd of commentaries that I possess on this book. He takes the inerrancy of Scripture seriously, takes hermeneutics seriously, submits to the New Testament’s interpretation of Daniel in a way that few evangelical commentaries do, illustrates his interpretations quite well with history, and shows how Daniel dovetails with the rest of Scripture. The reader will especially appreciate the historical background to passages that Jay provides. May this commentary receive a wide readership.

— Phillip Kayser,


In the Days of These Kings

Jay Rogers

The Book of Daniel in Preterist Perspective

The overarching message of Daniel is that Jesus the Messiah is even now ruling over the nations. He is the King of kings. Daniel tells us that Messiah’s kingdom will advance in the whole world from “generation to generation” (Daniel 4:4,34). Christ’s dominion is “given to the people of the saints of the most High” (Daniel 7:22). Our purpose then is to see “all people, nations, and languages … serve and obey him” (Daniel 7:14,27).

This comprehensive work offers a fascinating look at the book of Daniel in preterist perspective. Great attention is paid to the writings of ancient and modern historians and scholars to connect the dots and demonstrate the continuity of Daniel’s prophecy with all of Scripture.

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