- Thoughts On Election 2024
- The Florida Personhood Act
- After the Overturn of Roe v. Wade: Personhood for All!
- The Right to Life and Egalitarian Humanism
- The Large Christian Family is the Future of Humanity
- The Emerging Multipolar World - America as a Model of Liberty
- Personhood Florida and Abortion Abolition
- Mexico's Supreme Court Rules Criminalization of Abortion Unconstitutional
- The History of St. Patrick
- AKA Jane Roe
- Norma McCorvey on Nightline August 10, 1995
- Nullification: The Resistance We Need
- Is the heartbeat bill pro-life or pro-abortion?
- Why Personhood Florida does not support pro-life “heartbeat” bills
- Incrementalism vs. Immediatism – Just Stop It!
- In Memory of Dr. Pat McEwen
- Court rules Planned Parenthood of Kissimmee must cease surgical abortions
- The Personhood Doctrine of Nullification and Resistance to Federal Tyranny
- Personhood and Abolition
- 45 Years Since Roe: Are we winning or losing?
- Operation Save America: Rescue in Kentucky
- The Tangled Legal History of James Pendergraft
- “Eugenics,” A “New Movement.”
- Same Fist, Different Glove
- Research Exposes Medicaid Funding from Florida to Planned Parenthood
- Planned Parenthood’s “baby parts” scandal underscores the need for Personhood
- ALI files suit against Winter Park, Florida alleging unconstitutional arrests under picketing code
- Court ordered ban on abortions in Kissimmee back in effect
- Polygamy and Homosexual "Marriage" - What does the Bible teach?
- Jailed abortionist Harry Perper receives emergency suspension of medical license
- The Modern Personhood Movement: What is it?
- Personhood is the Civil Rights Movement of the 21st Century
- Theological Schizophrenia in the Pro-life Movement
- Ashamed of the Gospel
- Abortion: Misguidance or Murder?
- Is incrementalism the right strategy to end abortion?
- Did William Wilberforce use "incrementalism" to abolish slavery?
- The Bible and the Constitution on Life and Marriage
- Operation Save America - New Orleans 2014 Recap
- Kissimmee Abortion Wars Part II: The Empire Strikes Back
- Court rules Kissimmee Planned Parenthood cannot provide abortion
- Planned Parenthood - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
- Stop Planned Parenthood of Kissimmee
- Operation Save America (OSA) Regional Event: Kissimmee, Florida - June 11-14, 2014
- HGTV's Flip It Forward Firestorm
- Orlando Planned Parenthood executive targets ethnic community near Disney World
- Tallahassee Abortion Center Announces Closure
- Abigail Seidman testimony - Wiccan Rites
- Noles For Life leader confronts Jacksonville abortionist
- Orlando abortionist slaps woman, gets slap on the wrist
- What It Means to be Pro-life in the 21st Century
- Police raid Orlando abortionist James Pendergraft's clinic
- Picketing Where Prohibited?
- Tosh 4.1: “Busted” while reading the Bible on public sidewalk!
- Tosh 4.0: City's SWAT Team Responds to Peaceful Pro-life Campaign
- Tosh 3.0: What the No-Free-Speech ordinance "actually" does
- Abortionist James Pendergraft's $36.7 Million Judgment
- Is Kermit Gosnell an outlier?
- Orlando Abortionist Pendergraft suspended for fifth time
- Tosh 2.1: Retaking the “No-Free-Speech” Buffer Zone
- Tosh 2.0: Retaking Winter Park’s “No-Free-Speech” Buffer Zone
- The First Abortion Free State: Mississippi or North Dakota?
- Orlando abortion clinic security officer arrested, accused of rape
- Countering Pro-life Idolatry
- Why Romney Is Bad for the Pro-life Movement
- Countering Pro-abortion Logic
- Florida DOH recommends suspension of abortionist Randall Whitney's license
- The Day Free Speech Died in Winter Park, Florida
- Orlando Sentinel names me: “Chump of the Week”
- The Screwtape Letters of Winter Park, Florida
- The Comedy Central, Planned Parenthood, No-Free-Speech Buffer Zone Axis
- Winter Park, Florida Imposes Unconstitutional Free Speech Ban
- Stop the War on Babies!
- Late Term Abortion: Can This Be Legal?
- Awareness Campaign at Planned Parenthood CEO Jenna Tosh's neighborhood
- Freedom Speaks - Witchcraft and Abortion?
- Disabled Veteran Injured at Pro-life Awareness Campaign
- Pro-life Awareness Campaign at T.D. Jakes and Joel Osteen conference
- Florida DOH recommends revocation of abortionist Pendergraft’s medical license
- A letter to future pro-life street evangelists
- The Hammer of God – The Florida Pro-life Network
- Can bad publicity be good publicity?
- 39 Years After Roe - Will we rise up and stop the bloodshed?
- Orlando Abortion Center Worker Quits - Salvation Testimony
- Pro-life Issues: Direct Action vs. Indirect Action
- Fire-bombed Pensacola abortion mill linked to abortionist charged with murder
- Pro-life picket of abortionist José Raul Quintana's residence - 11/12/2011
- Pro-life picket of Planned Parenthood CEO Susan Idtensohn's residence - 10/29/2011
- Pagan Rites and Abortion
- Does Charlie Daniels know he is sharing the bill with an abortionist?
- State pro-life Personhood amendments pick up major endorsements
- What to tell pro-life groups who oppose Personhood
- Personhood: Did God Give Animals Rights?
- A Call to War
- Residential Pickets - OSA Orlando Recap (Part 3)
- Caylee Anthony: Later Term Abortion - OSA Orlando Recap (Part 2)
- Operation Save America - Orlando Recap (Part 1)
- Final judgment in civil lawsuit against James Pendergraft: $36.7 million
- Civil lawsuit case against James Pendergraft, 7/24/2011
- Operation Save America National Event: Orlando, Florida

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