TITUSVILLE, FL (FR) – This was the second residential picket of Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando CEO Susan Idtensohn’s neighborhood on Saturday, October 29th, 2011. Idtensohn is the outspoken director of an abortion mill in the heart of the black community near downtown Orlando. She lives in a lovely, spacious house about 45 minutes away on the Indian River Lagoon overlooking the Kennedy Space Center launch pad.
The first Awareness Campaign in Idtensohn’s community was on July 19th 2011.

Peaceful pickets of abortionist’s neighborhoods follow the law and provide a good model of concerned citizens using their first amendment rights to speech, press, assembly, religion and petition.
The highlight of this most recent awareness campaign and picket was the dialog and debate between long-time Melbourne-area pro-life evangelist Frank Campana and a neighbor who spouted every pro-abort cliché in the book. While Campana’s response was boisterous, this contender ironically caused the biggest disturbance to the neighborhood in contrast to the peaceful singing, picketing and praying of 33 Christians on this beautiful fall afternoon from 4 to 6 pm.
The effect of an Awareness Campaign is always to divide the community with strong reactions on either side.
We also met a Jewish Rabbi and his wife who stopped his car and thanked us for what we were doing. His wife took pictures of the procession as Lisa Campana spoke with them.
John Barros and Amber Carroll went door to door and talked to Sue’s neighbors. One of her neighbors who lives directly across the street said that they are Christians and had lived there for many years. They had no idea that Sue kill babies for a living. They said that the Idtensohns seemed like such “nice” people. This happens at every neighborhood awareness event. It is always touching to me to see the hurt looks on Christians’ faces when they realize their neighbor is a baby killer. We tell them to pray for their conversion and true repentance. We ask them to share the love of Jesus.
We heard last summer that Idtensohn was selling her home and planned to move out of state. Some might ask: If she is moving in the near future, was it still an effective picket?
Here is a clip from an article in Orlando Weekly from 2006 that answers that question.
PPGO’s capital campaign continues, with the count currently at $1.9 million — and none of that money has come through federal funding. The funds will be used to open a much-needed facility in Brevard County. After that, it’s on to Osceola and Seminole.
Yes, Planned Parenthood of Orlando, even after Idtensohn’s departure, has plans to open up abortion “super centers” on the Space Coast and throughout central Florida. We also know abortionist James Pendergraft would like to open late term killing places in Cocoa, Florida and elsewhere.
But dedicated gentle Christians will be coming to their communities and preaching the Word of God — that child murder is an abomination that brings a curse on our land.
Of course, articles in the pro-abortion media featuring Sue Idtensohn as a “family planning advocate” never mention the word “abortion.” The lasting legacy for Sue Idtensohn will be that people will remember them not as crusaders for women’s rights, but as child murderers.
Every abortionist, clinic owner and worker in central Florida will have a legacy written in the blood of the innocents. Eventually, no one will desire that legacy, either due to the gift of repentance or simply the shame that comes through having their bloody deeds of darkness exposed. This will come as Christians obey the Ephesians 5:11 mandate: “Have nothing to do with the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”
I hope I’m not in too much trouble at school. A student mentioned his interview for the convention of the DNC — and I asked — “Maybe you can get them to stop their war on black babies.” Not, perhaps, a wise remark to make in an HBCU classroom … prayers appreciated! I love my job!
Keep up the good work, getting this word out!