I have several pro-life videos on The Forerunner YouTube channel warning about the dangers of elective abortion. I occasionally get a comment from a viewer who tells me first to stop being so judgmental because she was “raped and pregnant.” It seems the perfect retort because who can argue with that? It’s truly an example of a “crisis pregnancy” and I don’t doubt it’s a horrific ordeal to go through. But my response is usually the same.
“You were never raped and pregnant.”
How can I say that so callously?
I just find it unlikely that on one vlog (for example) of 115 comments, I would have even one person who was raped and pregnant. It is claimed that about one percent of all abortions are due to rape. And even these numbers are based on false testimony.
One percent of 1.3 million would be 13,000 abortions due to rape.
_Is that possible?
Justice Department statistics for 2004 had approximately 0.4 rapes per 1,000 people. And that is from a broad definition of “rape” that would include various types of sexual assault. According to the Justice Department, of the average annual 200,780 sexual assault victims in 2004-2005, about 64,080 were victims of “completed rape.”
Obviously, only a “completed rape” could result in a pregnancy.
To arrive at the “raped and pregnant” statistic of even one percent of all abortions, 13,000 (or over 20%) of these 64,000 rapes would have to result in a pregnancy.
Then to get to the number of even 1 percent of 1.3 million, 100% of those pregnancies would have to be aborted.
I’ve heard of other studies that show the number of rape-pregnancies leading to abortions is less than 500 per year.
That’s why if you tell me you were “raped and pregnant,” I am skeptical.
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