Real Jesus Video Podcast (1 of 10)

Video: Real Jesus Video Podcast (1 of 10)
Real Jesus Video Podcast (1 of 10)
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Here begins the Real Jesus video podcast.

You can also access the video directly at YouTube.

Or at this website:

I’ll give a link in a later blog entry on how people can subscibe directly through an RSS feed. But I already know that out of the thousands of people who download this blog page, most are looking at the HTML web page and only a few dozen are accessing the RSS or XML code via a feedreader. Yes, it will be possible to directly access the videos as stand alone “Pods” to an IPod or a feedreader. You can see how to subscribe to The Forerunner video channel at the YouTube site.

There is some difference of opinion as to what constitutes a video podcast versus a video blog. Some use the terms interchangeably. But technically speaking a podcast is an RSS feed that may be accessed by a stand alone device such as an IPod, while a video blog — or “vlog” — is a website that may also be accessed directly through RSS or XML. We are told that eventually all people will subscribe to feeds and that RSS or XML will become the medium of all information and TV channels through high speed cable. We are seeing the beginning of that with Google’s purchase of YouTube. Already, many television programs are publishing short excerpts from their programs through YouTube.

For now, I am going to begin by using the website as the host from which to stream embedded videos. However, if you want to see The Real Jesus video blog, you can bookmark the following page.


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