This letter has been out for a few days, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it. It’s exciting, because as a former US Senator, Smith has the experience and the credibility to do well in the upcoming Senatorial race. Even if he doesn’t win the primaries in a crowded Republican field, the significance of this is that it will force at least some of the other Republican candidates to support the initiative as well. This is really good news!
From: Senator Bob Smith
Subject: I Strongly Endorse the Personhood Amendment
Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 1:20 PM
Fellow Members of Florida’s Pro Life Community:
I wholeheartedly support the initiative for a Personhood Amendment to our state constitution. Not only does pro-life include protecting the unborn, but all people at every stage of their lives. Every individual has dignity and it is not the function of government to decide which lives have more value than others. You have my pledge that as your U.S. Senator I will pursue this at the federal level as vigorously as I led the fight to enact the Partial Birth Abortion Ban during my previous tenure in the U.S. Senate.
May God bless our efforts on this vital issue.
Senator Bob
Robert C. Smith
Former United States Senator (1991-2003); and
Candidate for United States Senate from Florida
This is an official communication authorized by Friends of Senator Bob Smith. Paid for by Friends of Senator Bob Smith. Not authorized by any other candidate committee or political action committee.
Senator Bob Smith endorses the Florida Personhood Amendment
The Personhood of an unborn child is not a woman's issue. It's an issue that concerns the unborn child alone without pro-abortion advocates imposing their wills over who lives and who dies.