State refuses to restore abortionist Pendergraft’s medical license, 12/1/2007

This is good news from yesterday. Pass this along to all who will be blessed (or maybe not) by hearing about this.

– Jay Rogers

Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 17:17:12
Subject: State refuses to restore abortionist James Scott Pendergraft’s medical license
From: Scott & Patte Smith

Praise the Lord! A good report!

Mary Jo & Marian were at the Orlando Women’s Center killing place this afternoon when Chuck Green from Channel 9 (WFTV) came by because of the state’s ruling against Pendergraft. The suspension of Pendergraft’s license will remain for another year.

Together for Life & Eternity,
Patte Smith
Sanctuary Ministries

See WFTV’s story here:

There’s a video of the newscast here too. It took a little while to load on my browser, but it’s well worth the wait and look. It’s very even handed and perhaps tells mainly our side.

There is a GREAT quote by Mary Jo Gardner, one of the young sidewalk counselors in Orlando, in the video!

(BTW: If you subscribe to Mary Jo’s blog, you can get a lot of updates from the effort in Orlando.)

Abortion Doctor’s License Suspended For Another Year

POSTED: 4:41 pm EST November 30, 2007

ORLANDO, Fla. — Opponents call a local abortion doctor a butcher and only Channel 9 was there Friday as the State Medical Board ordered Dr. James Pendergraft not to perform abortions for another year.

The doctor claims it is all political. Opponents said he performed a third trimester abortion at an Orlando clinic. That’s illegal in Florida unless the mother’s life is in danger and it’s performed in a hospital.

Pendergraft owns five Florida abortion clinics. They can do up to 375 abortions a month, but two years ago he charged a woman $12,000 to terminate her pregnancy in the 28th week. Friday, he was disciplined by the State Medical Board.

Pendergraft’s license had been suspended 16 months during the investigation. Friday, it was extended another year. He was also fined $10,000 and ordered to pay more than $80,000 to cover the states legal fees

Pendergraft’s attorney tried to fight the fines and failed. After the hearing, Pendergraft slipped out a side door and avoided questions.

Protesters outside of his office had plenty to say.

“He’s been killing children through nine months of pregnancy here for a number of years. I have personally met women who have been as far along as eight months and I think he should be thrown in jail,” said Mary Jo Gardner.

Medical malpractice attorney Mark Morsch agrees.

“What would be right is for Dr. Pendergraft to never have a medical license in the state of Florida,” he said.

Morsch is worried about what could happen a year from now when Dr. Pendergraft’s suspension ends.

“Based on his track record, there is going to be more young women in the future who are victims of his incompetence,” Morsch said.

The State Department of Health received a complaint that Dr. Pendergraft was performing abortions while his license was suspended. They did not find any evidence to support that claim.

Pendergraft’s supporters say it’s all political and it’s an attempt to outlaw abortion in Florida.


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