The Boston Awakening magazine – Personal thoughts


In the past, The Forerunner was geared toward Christians who understood biblical worldview, revival and reformation. But we also included apologetics and distributed it to college students. Christians supported the publication and it was also used in evangelism. The website has given a lot of the older articles a life of their own. Several popular articles now have more single page accesses than we printed copies of The Forerunner in it’s entire history.

While I am happy with the way my publications have turned out, I know that I could have done a lot better if there were a larger team of people who could have contributed something in their own area of excellence — more writers, graphics and design, distribution and so on. My area of expertise is mainly content.

With The Boston Awakening magazine, I now have the vision to produce a seamless media ministry that would begin with a magazine that has an anointed prophetic word combined with smart graphics and attractive photography. And then make this available on the Internet through PDF and HTML. From there I would produce a news magazine DVD that would also be available on the Internet through podcasting, streaming video, and new video technologies just around the corner.

For instance, in doing the magazine, my vision has expanded and I am full of ideas. I see a larger multi-faceted media concept unfolding from this — print publishing, DVDs, on-line video, web sites, and so on.

1. The Boston Awakening Magazine (print version)
2. The on-line PDF version
3. The website
4. The Boston Awakening DVD
5. The on-line streaming video clips from the DVD
6. The live multi-media teaching seminar

The list goes on. The optimal plan involves starting several “Media Houses” in various parts of the U.S. and the world, which would be college students who would work part-time on one of the components and freely share their work with the Media House network. My role in this would be traveling and teaching students to preach the Gospel through media.

I don’t see it as my project, but something that will grow out naturally of the youth revival — which will spread world-wide as media technologies become more and more seamless — one medium being easily converted to another — language translation becoming easier through technology — and so on.

I don’t have the time here to explain it all and my vision is growing each day anyway. Hopefully, God will give me the energy and inspiration to keep it up.

What you are doing through music is an important part of this and you ought to seek as much as possible to integrate what you are doing with other types of media, in other languages, through many different channels.

More to come …

1 Comment

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I would like to connect with you. Can you drop me an email at gpbakalov at gohbn dot com



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