The Brave New World of Forensic Technology
Within the next ten to twenty years, crime will be virtually non-existent in America. Advances in forensic technologies, including Global Positioning Systems (GPS), infrared photography, digital video systems, gene mapping, DNA analysis and nanotechnology will eliminate over 90 percent of murders, rapes, thefts, drug trafficking and other felonies.
The ability to create video recordings of every inch of public space will soon be available at a minimal cost. Private businesses and individuals will be the first to use this technology to protect themselves, their families and their property. Law enforcement will make use of records made by the public to solve almost every crime. There is a day coming when would be criminals may commit crimes but simply won’t be able to keep from getting caught. The message to criminals will simply be you can run but you can’t hide.
Forensic technology will even be useful in stopping crimes against the family realm of society. Marital infidelity, child abuse, juvenile delinquency, truancy, abortion and unwanted pregnancies will become rare.
This is good news for the majority of Americans. New technology now being developed by criminologists and forensic scientists is already being used in cases, especially among convicted sex offenders. Forensic technology can be used for evil as well as good. If technology is used by the government to spy on citizens, some will decry an impending violation of civil freedom. However, once the technology becomes affordable to the people, it will be used on a volunteer basis to prevent crime. Far from creating an Orwellian nightmare, this technology will be used by the general population to elevate the quality of life of the human race.
There is no denying the inevitable. It is not a question of if but when. Forensic technology is being developed and is arriving on the scene at an incredible pace. In fact, the technology to create crime free communities now exists. It is just a matter of the cost of implementing the first crime free zones. Once people understand the power of forensic technology and the amount of money and grief it will save them, they will gladly pay for the security of living in a crime free neighborhood. What was once a slogan, will become a reality.