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The First Abortion Free State: Mississippi or North Dakota? › The Forerunner

The First Abortion Free State: Mississippi or North Dakota?

Five states in the union, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arkansas and Wyoming currently have only one known free-standing clinic that does surgical abortions. This development has come about mainly due to the work of street activism by local pro-life groups over many years. Now law makers are poised to shut down the last remaining clinics in both Mississippi and North Dakota.

By Cal Zastrow
States of Refuge Campaign

What does an abortuary do when they are losing money from fewer moms murdering their babies? How do they cope with so much praying and preaching on the sidewalks surrounding them? When the Department of Health revokes their license and prepares to shut them down; when the Governor and some pastors declare that they are taking steps toward that end, what is a death pit to do?

The last remaining surgical baby-killing center in all of Mississippi, The Jackson Women’s Health Organization (JWHO) handles their problems by pepper-spraying Christians and applying pink paint to their property. Some are calling it “Pepto Bismol Pink,” while others would describe the color shade as “Pig’s Ear Pink.” (Folks in Mississippi know that you can’t make a silk purse out of a pig’s ear).

April 4, 2013 will be the arraignment for Roy Benjamin, the security guard who assaulted a small group of peaceful Christians with pepper-spray on January 23rd. Instead of being charged with what he actually did, aggravated assault of a minor, he will be charged with “simple assault.”

Video: The First Abortion Free State: Mississippi or North Dakota?
The First Abortion Free State: Mississippi or North Dakota?
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Since early January, Mississippians have been having Church on the street daily in front of the mill. They will continue to have Church every Sunday afternoon and on the three days each week that the mill is open. Visit this website for updates and schedules.

More pro-lifers are coming out to the sidewalks to minister. Four new pastors have begun preaching on the streets, and more are returning who have helped in the past.

The Mississippi Department of Health has revoked the license of the JWHO, but the JWHO is murdering babies while they appeal. More Mennonites, Methodists, Presbyterians and Pentecostals are now standing up for Jesus and the babies in front of this killing place. God is blessing the repentance and obedience of faithful Christians who are showing up to trust God to make theirs the very first state to close down all of their surgical abortuaries.

Six have been closed. There is only one left. Let’s trust God and go close it.

While the culture of death angrily sprays pepper and splashes pink paint, the Zastrow family and Pro-Life Mississippi are shouting, “Revival!” and peacefully pushing to become the first state to protect every preborn baby, by love and by law.

Dr. Pat McEwen
President, Life Coalition International

North Dakota (ND) has passed a no exceptions Personhood Bill in the ND State Senate – The ND House will still have to vote on their version but the House is more pro-life than the Senate. The following is from our friend Dan Becker, Field Representative for Personhood USA and President of Georgia Right to Life. Dan perfected his model of working with State legislators in Georgia to be truly pro-life not just pro-some life.

All passed with no exceptions! In fact, last year’s Personhood Bill HB 1450 did have a Rape & Incest exception but we defeated 4 longtime Senators in the primary and nobody was willing to offer the exceptions again this year. We direct mailed every voter in their district with a hard-hitting mail piece. The ND Senate Majority Leader was reported to admit it scared the rest of the Senators. This is what I have been saying … the pro-life movement needs to establish the standard and require all politicians to acknowledge.

The Sword of the Spirit has been unsheathed in North Dakota and God is watching over His Word to perform it. This was accomplished by changing the hearts of the legislators. Now the battle for North Dakota is on. Changing the hearts of the legislators is one step BUT we must change the hearts of the people of North Dakota or we will see delays and non-enforcement and all other tricks of the pro-death agenda. This change takes place, not in the halls of the legislature, but on the streets, in the market place and right at the gates of hell. That is what we do best! Will North Dakota be a State of Refuge? We are calling to gather Jesus’ gentle warriors in October, 2013, to storm the gates of hell – see you there.

North Dakota takes a major step toward making history

Gualberto Garcia Jones
Legal Counsel, Personhood USA

Justice delayed is justice denied. That pithy summary of all we hold to be true at Personhood USA has become our rallying cry. As the largest personhood organization in America, we have carried the fight to end abortion to all fifty states, and around the world. Our rally cry has particularly caught on in North Dakota where the state Senate has just passed a constitutional amendment to protect all life and a ban on abortion!

Several weeks ago North Dakota lawmakers introduced SB 2302, a bill that would establish that children in the embryonic stage must be treated ethically and with dignity. Today that bill passed and is headed to a vote in the North Dakota House of Representatives. While this is great news, it has set up a major battle in the state as the corrupt abortion industry and their allies in the unregulated fertility industry have let loose a cannonade of lies to intimidate pro-life legislators.

This is a battle that we welcome, and we wear the attacks from the abortion industry and their allies in North Dakota as a badge of honor! The pro-lifers in North Dakota supported by Personhood North Dakota have reshaped the public perception of abortion and elevated the sanctity of life.

Win or lose, one thing that you can be sure of is that we will continue to fight to put an end to abortion in the Flickertail State once and for all! As Winston Churchill said about Great Britain’s struggle against the Nazi’s in World War II, we say about the fight against the culture of death.

We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.

1 Comment

May God give us everything we need to change the hearts of the people. Great work!


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