This will go across the grain of some people, but read to the end to get my point. Less than one in a million children are murdered in school. School is by far the safest place to be.
Isolated cases of school violence are nothing new. USA Today reported:
The worst school attack in U.S. history occurred in 1927, when a farmer angry about school taxes blew up a school in Bath, Mich., killing 45. In 1959, a man trying to enroll his son into a Houston elementary school detonated a suitcase filled with dynamite, killing six. In 1979, a 16-year-old girl who had been given a rifle for Christmas, instead of the radio she asked for, shot from her home into an elementary school across the street in San Diego, killing two adults. Her motive: “I don’t like Mondays.” Those incidents are mostly forgotten now …
School violence seems higher than before because it was previously unheard of in middle-class communities. Since 1997, there has been an upsurge of school violence in rural and suburban communities. Not much media coverage was previously given to murders in urban areas because people expected that.
However, of one hundred homicides of school-aged children, less than one is killed in school. School is by far the safest place to be — even the public schools. Think about it. I am a public school teacher in an urban population district. At the school I teach at, we have over one hundred adults watching the students at all times. Kids get into trouble when they are by themselves.
With one exception …
And this is the most dangerous place for a child to be: The mother’s womb. One in three children are killed by their parents. Why are we not as outraged by that?