I recently uploaded most of my God’s Law and Society videos to YouTube. This is otherwise known as the Second American Revolution website.
At YouTube the same content is on the God’s Law and Society Channel.
I had all of these in RealPlayer streaming format for many years. But it was low bandwidth dial-up quality. With the higher bandwidth videos, it would likely cost hundreds of dollars per month to store and stream files of this size. The purpose of using YouTube was to take advantage of free server space and expose the many people who just mindlessly surf YouTube to the tenets of Reformed theology and Christian Reconstruction (otherwise known as Neo-Puritan social theory). I also hope to get a larger audience and sell a few more DVDs by advertising some of the content.
It was an incredibly time consuming task. I still have to upload about twenty more. The main problem of course will be that once I start getting tens of thousands of views per month, it will be hard to keep up with the comments. It will be a good problem to have. I set each video podcast up for me to approve comments before they are posted. Some of the comments can be extremely profane and blasphemous. I am somewhat liberal though in allowing for free expression of thought and even some mild profanity. My thinking is that it exposes the true spirit of my opponents.
I now have a total of about 50 short videos on YouTube all with a Christian theme. The videos I uploaded over a month ago have anywhere from 1000 to 2000 views. So I am expecting to have a larger audience of tens of thousands of people within a few months.
I have a few video projects in the works that are absolutely sensational. I’ll write more on that in upcoming blog entries. It will be interesting to see where the tally will be in a few months. I think I’ll have anywhere between 50,000 to 100,000 total views by the next two months. And the amazing thing to me is that this is free. Google actually makes money off me through advertising.
YouTube comments are a great way of getting feedback from an audience. Of course, my videos are a little bit esoteric and designed for a specific audience. I wrote in an earlier blog entry that I was interested to find out that my YouTube videos are extremely polarizing. They love me and they hate me. But what amazes me is the low level thinking of the average skeptic. Just to give an example, here is one response to a George Grant interview on Grace vs. The Law. This person obviously thinks he is clever, but is mistaken:
“Paul” was Shaul”. All the rest written there is based on a bad translation of a man who spoke Hewbrew and his words were more or less correctly translated and viola, the Christian religon which has changed forms until its not, and never was. How did you expect a bunch of Gauls and Celts to stop tearing bites out of an uncooked rabbit? Not only could they not sit and learn the Law, but they would not follow it either. Christianity is all based on bad translations. Ask King James.
Let alone the fact that this is a syntactical train wreck, it shows that the average non-Christian has been fed objections based on false knowledge. Even a cursory reading of the New Testament tells us that “Saul” was born in Tarsus in Asia Minor and was a Greek speaking Jew. As a Roman citizen he also bore the Latin name of Paul. It was usual for the Jews of that time to have two names, one Hebrew, the other Latin or Greek. All of Paul’s letters were written to Greek speaking people.
But if you read your Bible, you already know that. The point is that the average person has no knowledge of scripture and rejects Christ based on foolish lies as in the example above. It is amazing how ignorant people are. (One of my blog friends tells me that I need to be more gracious and stop calling these people “stupid.” I’ll admit it’s a hard habit to break.)
I had another comment to the Abortion 911 Emergency Calls videos that claimed that an unborn child was no different than a mass of cancerous cells. I get frequent comments from people who have been fed the lies of Planned Parenthood that abortion is “ten times safer than childbirth and seven times safer than having your tonsils removed.” That we show statistics to the otherwise infuriates them. These just have to be lies. Having owned a house and lived across the street from an abortion clinic for seven years, I saw the injured women being taken out in ambulances.
See the video Abortion Clinic 911 Emergency Calls (1 of 4). You can always argue with our statistics, but seeing is believing. It’s interesting that I haven’t had anyone try to refute this video, because it is just 911 Calls overlaid with video footage of the ambulances arriving at the abortion clinic to take away the injured women.
Perhaps people are so stupid (Oops! There I go again!) because the television media has been controlled by the liberal elite for the past 50 years. The good news is that Christians have it within their power to take it back. Let truth contend with the lies hand to hand on the battlefield of ideas. If God is truly God in a short time we will win.
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