- Why is Christmas celebrated on December 25th?
- Daniel 12 in Preterist Perspective
- _Sola Scriptura_ vs. _Solo Scriptura_
- I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
- Revelation 11 in Preterist Perspective
- Nero Caesar: The Sixth Head of the Beast
- Postmillennialism: Answering Contrary Texts
- Postmillennialism: A Brief Exposition of Revelation 20:1-6
- Postmillennialism: Into the 20th and 21st Centuries
- Postmillennialism: The Irresistible Power of Christ's Kingdom in History
- Postmillennialism: The New Testament and into the Future
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- Apocalyptic Pseudepigrapha
- Revelation 12 in Preterist Perspective
- The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women - Part 3
- The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women - Part 2
- The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women - Part 1
- Peter Hammond – Puritan Storm Rising!
- Epiphanius of Salamis on the Hymenaean Heresy
- The "Neron Caesar" Papyrus
- Augustine on Matthew 24 and “The End of the World”
- A Tribute to R.C. Sproul
- Zechariah 14 in Preterist Perspective (3 of 3)
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- Ancient Jewish Apocalyptic Literature and Modern Dystopian Science Fiction
- The Significance of Daniel in the 21st Century
- Islam — A Form of Chiliastic Ebionism
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- The Church or the Kingdom of God?
- The Christian Libertarian Idea
- Covenantal Shift
- Theological Schizophrenia in the Pro-life Movement
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- "The Gospels: Written Long After The Fact?" by Anne Rice
- Did contemporary historians mention Jesus?
- Postmillennialism: "In the days of these kings …" The Prophecy of Daniel
- America 2.0 – The Puritan Hope in the 21st Century
- America 2.0 – The History and Theology of Civil Resistance
- America 2.0 – The Great Reset
- The Impossibility of Pluralism
- Postmillennialism: Ezekiel’s Vision
- Stop the War on Babies!
- Postmillennialism: Of the increase of His government there shall be no end
- Postmillennialism: The Messianic Psalms
- Question on Theonomy and the Worship of False Gods
- Postmillennialism: The Abrahamic Covenant
- Postmillennialism: The Dominion Mandate
- The Passion: Who really killed Jesus?
- Postmillennialism: The Suddenness of the Gospel's Lightning
- Onward Christian Soldier - A Tribute to Jeff Ziegler
- Postmillennialism: Clearing Up Misunderstandings
- Postmillennialism Reconsidered
- Gods In The News: Was Jesus a copycat of Dionysus?
- America 2.0 – Resistance to Tyrants
- Islam and Mormonism: Kissin’ Cousins?
- Canon Muratorianus: The Earliest Catalogue of the Books of the New Testament
- Should Christians know Greek and Latin?
- The End Times?
- Theological Presuppositions of Pro-life Activism
- Answering an objection about theonomy
- What is "optimistic amillennialism"?
- Reed Worship
- The Mithra-buster
- The Mount Olivet Discourse and Vaticinium Ex Eventu
- History vs. Theology
- The Manhattan Declaration (Part 2) The Barmen Declaration revisited
- Using Luke's Time Markers - "What time of the year was Jesus born?"
- The Pilgrims and Human Sacrifice Among the Wampanoag Tribe
- The Manhattan Declaration (Part 1) What is "the Church"?
- A Nativity Timeline (part 2)
- A Nativity Timeline (part 1)
- Dating the Gospel of Luke (part 5)
- Dating the Gospel of Luke (part 4)
- Dating the Gospel of Luke (part 3)
- Dating the Gospel of Luke (part 2)
- Dating the Gospel of Luke (part 1)
- Where did Cain and Seth get their wives?
- The Ten Commandments of Obama
- Daniel 9:27
- Countering Bible Cynicism
- Why I am not an atheist
- A Question from a Reader about Theonomy
- The Harrowing of Hell
- The Real Jesus (revisited)
- Is Barack Obama a Christian?
- A Postmillennial quote by John Calvin
- Why does the universe exist? - An answer to atheism
- What is Imprecatory Prayer?
- The Atheist Syndrome
- How was the New Testament canon assembled?
- My response to a cynic on the chronology of Jesus' life
- Skeptic doubts Jesus' words
- Was Moses tripping?
- Was Jesus crucified body buried - or just eaten by dogs?
- The R.C. Sproul - Alice Cooper - Van Halen - axis
- C.S. Lewis on the Liberal Higher Criticism of the Bible
- Bible Babylon (part 5)
- Bible Babylon (part 4)
- Bible Babylon (part 3)
- How old is the oldest Latin manuscript of the Bible?
- Bible Babylon (part 2)
- Bible Babylon (part 1)
- Jesus, Mohammed, Shakespeare: Did they really exist? (part 3)
- Jesus, Mohammed, Shakespeare: Did they really exist? (part 2)
- Jesus, Mohammed, Shakespeare: Did they really exist? (part 1)
- Was there a "Massacre of the Innocents" in Bethlehem after Jesus' birth?
- Is Josephus' passage about Jesus a forgery?
- The Einstein Puzzle and Discerning Gospel Truths
- Assumptions of the Higher Critics on the Reliability of the Gospels
- Another challenge for the Jesus Mythists and Jesus Seminar liberals
- Two Questions for the Jesus Mythists
- Redating the New Testament by J.A.T. Robinson
- Who canonized the New Testament?
- "Once more unto the breach!" Refuting the Jesus Mythists
- Acts chapter 2 proves the authenticity of the New Testament
- Are 2 Peter, Hebrews and Revelation authentic?
- Jesus' cousins were the Apostles James and John
- Fourteen generations of Mt. 1:17 and the "seventy sevens" of Daniel 9:24
- Did Moses write the book of Genesis? (part 2)
- Did Moses write the book of Genesis? (part 1)
- Four Questions About the Resurrection
- Apologetics Talk (Part 1) The Dead Sea Scrolls
- The Trinity and 1 John 5:7,8
- Countering the Jesus Mythists (Part 2)
- Countering the Jesus Mythists (Part 1)
- The “Jesus Myth” theory refuted (part 2)
- The “Jesus Myth” Theory Refuted (part 1)
- Inspiration and Inerrancy of Scripture
- What Ted Haggard's fall could REALLY teach Christians
- What is the "preterist" view of the book of Revelation?
- Christianity Today article on same-sex marriage has wrong premises
- Theonomists and the Gospel
- Young, Restless and Reformed
- What do Reformed Christians have to say to other Christians?
- Revival? ... Or Spiritual Revolution? (Part 2)
- Revival? ... Or Spiritual Revolution? (Part 1)
- New Website on Church Fathers
- Solving "The Jesus Puzzle"
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