Thoughts on location, location, location

I was recently updating the God’s Law and Society Study Guide for an on-line version available at: The introduction has a brief biography and contact information for each of the Christian leaders featured in the presentation. I was amazed that almost every one of the addresses of these people had changed in the past five years. In most cases, it was not a move across the country, but a P.O. Box or a website address.

If this book had appeared in print format as we had originally planned, almost all of the contact information would have changed and it would be useless to the reader. Thankfully, God has graciously given us electronic text and the Internet and such information can be instantly changed.

I have had the same mailing address since 1993 and the same website and email address since 1996. The mailing address is a small inconvenience in that I have moved a few miles away from Melbourne. But I keep the mailing address because it is printed in books, magazines, newspapers and video format in countries from the United States, South Africa, Latin America, Russia, Ukraine and literally around the globe.

Similarly, I was offered $7000 this summer if i would sell my domain name: When I refused the first two offers the negotiator wanted to continue. I explained that they were not even close to what my domain name is worth to me. Although that was no small amount of money to refuse, it is less than what I would have to lose as far as contacts and new opportunities to connect with people. In the past year alone, the web site has had over one million visitors. That’s the fruit of 20 years of editing a publication of some type. I look at my physical address in the same manner. I wonder how many people lose contact with ministries because they are constantly changing their mailing address, email and web domain? As in real estate, location is everything.


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The Silent Scream

Ronald Reagan changed his view as a result of watching The Silent Scream – a movie he considered so powerful and convicting that he screened it at the White House.

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