Would you be willing to do me a big favor that requires only a little effort on your part?
Watch The Great American Sculptor video on Current.TV. Then vote for the video to be broadcast. That will be another step toward getting this video series on the satellite network.
If you haven’t seen Current.TV, it’s a satellite channel that broadcasts viewer created mini-documentaries. Viewers upload their video “pods” to the Current.TV website and other viewers vote on them. If the video is popular enough, it will be shown on the air.
While not overly preachy, the Christian message of this video comes across as Keith Johnson presents sculpture and art as a way of pointing people toward God and toward the principles that make a nation great.
Go to www.Current.TV and vote for the video by clicking on the “greenlight” bar. You will have to register, provide a user name and password. But that is quick and easy. Just a couple hundred greenlights should get us on satellite TV. Tell your friends and family to do the same.
Here is the email Current.TV sent me:
Good news! Your video is now posted on the Current site. You can find it here:
There’s a lot of stuff on the Current site, and sometimes it can be hard to make your submission stand out. Here are a few suggestions:
- Write an email blast to your friends. Tell them to come and greenlight your submission!
- You can post your video elsewhere on the web — on a personal profile, blog, message board, or wherever — using this code:
[video no longer available]
your_ip_is_blacklisted_by sbl.spamhaus.org