Experiencing the Actual Presence of God
By Derek Levendusky
You could feel the excitement and faith in the room the moment we began worshipping and praying. The Holy Spirit led us to pray for the Church to be bold and free from discouragement, for the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers, for the 30,000 international students, for the 50,000 Jewish students, and for the thousands of other students and people in Boston.
Bob Weiner and the Boston Awakening team are here to train student leaders on college campuses. Before the training, we had time to talk and enjoy each other over pizza and juice.
During the meeting, a young man named Joseph came in to the sanctuary and began to weep. He walked up to Bob Weiner and asked, “Could you please lead me in the steps of how to be saved?”
Bob led Joseph to the Lord publicly, and we all felt that this was the first taste of what God will do in the coming awakening! We were surprised that we saw someone receive Christ at a 10 am prayer meeting on a weekday. Joseph said he could not wait to make a public profession of faith and asked to be baptized! Joseph is now a member of church here in Boston called Lion of Judah. Many young people are coming to know God in Boston!
The city is having a revival of prayer, love, unity, salvation and experience with Jesus, especially among youth who are coming to the city with a vision to reclaim education for God! Many students, most of them Chinese and Koreans, are coming to know Jesus Christ.
I spoke with one of the young students from Japan who is here studying for his PhD in Physics. I asked him after the meeting about his experience with God. He answered simply, “I don’t know God.” I spoke with him about Jesus. More people approached him and answered his questions. Another girl from Japan had the same experience of learning about the love of God. What I found is that young people need and want Jesus, but few are going to them. God is moving!

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