Rock Music
Hell's Bells - part 1 Hell's Bells - part 2 Hell's Bells - part 3 Hell's Bells - part 4 Hell's Bells - part 5 Over The Edge: A Brief History of Rock and Roll Over the Edge: Is All…
Read moreHell's Bells - part 1 Hell's Bells - part 2 Hell's Bells - part 3 Hell's Bells - part 4 Hell's Bells - part 5 Over The Edge: A Brief History of Rock and Roll Over the Edge: Is All…
Read moreWhat is wrong with this man? Is this just a good time or is there something of a deeper significance going on here as well? What type of effect does this music have upon people? Is it only rock ‘n’…
Read moreAs a means of systematically and objectively examining rock music for signs of the devil’s influence, I want us to consider some of the basic beliefs of those who are willfully engaging in satanic religion. As a starting point, we’ll…
Read moreIn examining the next few satanic scriptures, I want us to focus on not only the philosophy they express, but the end results of believing that philosophy. You know life can sometimes be confusing, with all the different opinions and…
Read moreRebellion Continuing with our examination of the by-products of rock ‘n’ roll, consider one of its greatest themes rebellion. For Blackie Lawless of Wasp it goes even deeper. As he told the Washington Post, “Rock ‘n’ roll is an aggressive…
Read moreConclusion As we now approach the moment of truth, there are two common excuses that begin to roll around in people’s minds kind of last ditch stabs at self-justification. One deals with the issue of intention and motivation. “Hey, it’s…
Read moreThere is a real, and somewhat ironic sense in which rock music has its tap-root in the Kingdom of God. Virtually all music historians trace rock’s family tree back through rhythm and blues to the black gospel music of the…
Read moreRock ‘n’ Roll! Powered by space-age technology and popularized by the largest, wealthiest and most leisure generation of young people in history, rock music has changed the modern world in ways more profound than perhaps any other social phenomenon. Evidence…
Read moreIt is the height of oversimplification to look at any area of human endeavor and totally discount the secular world’s contributions. As a function of the Holy Spirit’s ministry, truth and beauty should first and foremost be an inheritance of…
Read moreBy Li Haaj If you’re into bands like Sonic Youth, Soul Asylum, Motorhead, Cancerous Growth, The Mighty Lemondrops, Black Flag, and others that 99% of the world never heard of … If you’re cynical, rebellious, in question of authority, obsessed…
Sixteen noted Christian leaders and scholars apply the Ten Commandments to American life.
A sweeping epic chronicling the rise and decline of Western thought and culture
Explodes the myths of the liberal critics and the movies, books and television programs that have popularized their views.