CCBC Officers for 1997

Chairman: Open!
Vice Chairman: Lyman Lancaster
Secretary: Cheryl Palmer
Treasurer: Sherry DeJong

North Chapter President: Jerry Lostutter
North Chapter Vice President: Open!
Central Chapter President: Jim Doyle
Central Chapter Vice President: Open!
South Chapter President: Chad Zody
South Chapter Vice President: Dolly Edwards

Church Coordinators
North: Open!
Central: Sarah Doyle
South: Open!

Precinct Coordinators
North: Deborah Barkley
Central: Sherry DeJong
South: Jackie Newman

Poll Watch Coordinator: Doris Lancaster

Legislative Coordinator: Meredith Raney

Survey/Voter Guides: Ray Olinger,
Wendell Newton

Newsletter: Jay Rogers, Joel Robinson

Citizens’ Watch Coordinator: Pat Tolley

County Commission: Norma Savell

Melbourne City Council: Steve Beltz

Hospitality Committee: Open!

Prayer Committee: Ken and Marilyn
Hageman, Sherry DeJong, Ona Shupe

Phone Tree: Jerry Lostutter, Steve Beltz

Ministerial Coordinator: Bill Tolley


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The Model of Christian Liberty. This DVD includes “Dawn’s Early Light: A Brief History of America’s Christian Foundations” and bonus features.

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Ronald Reagan changed his view as a result of watching The Silent Scream – a movie he considered so powerful and convicting that he screened it at the White House.

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