New Poll: Most believe Creation over Evolution

An American poll on “Creation vs. Evolution” just released in George magazine, published by John F. Kennedy, Jr., indicates that most Americans believe in the Genesis account of special creation and do not accept the theory of total organic evolution.

On evolution:

51% do not believe that humans evolved from lower life forms
38% do believe in evolution
12% don’t know, refused to answer

On creation:

60% believe the world was created in seven days
27% do not
13% don’t know, or refused to answer

The poll noted the differences between those who describe themselves as liberal or conservative, with the majority of conservatives describing themselves as creationist.

Of conservatives:

70% believe in a 7-day creation
30% believe in evolution

Of liberals:

45% believe in a 7-day creation
58% believe in evolution


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Ronald Reagan changed his view as a result of watching The Silent Scream – a movie he considered so powerful and convicting that he screened it at the White House.

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