Our Supreme Court

By Mrs. Gordon Lindsay

Ninth graders in Tennessee were told to write a paper on any “researchable” topic. They were permitted to write about witchcraft, magic, and reincarnation, etc. Brittney Settle chose to write about Jesus Christ. Her teacher graded her paper “zero.” Brittney sued to have the grade removed, claiming her freedom of speech had been violated. Lower courts sided with the teacher, who said because Brittney had such strong Christian beliefs, it would make it difficult for her to write an unbiased research paper.

The case finally went to the U.S. Supreme Court who without comment refused to hear the case which upheld the teacher who flunked her, says E.P. News (12/1/95). Michael Paulsen, a law professor at the University of Minnesota who represented Brittney, called the ruling “as naked an example as you can find of discrimination of religion and expression of religious viewpoints by students.” Brittney’s father, Jerry Settle, said the Court’s decision supported “the attitude that Christians are a minority you can treat any way you want to. It’s open season on Christians.”

The Court also rejected an appeal by five pro-life activists who were ordered to pay nearly $100,000 in attorney’s fees to an abortion clinic where they had demonstrated. Jay Sekulow, a pro-life attorney with the American Center for Law and Justice said, “That the Court would let stand this $100,000 penalty is outrageous and sends a chilling message for pro-life demonstrators.” The Bible says, “Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered” (Luke 11:52).

Pray for America!

Excerpted from Christ For the Nations, February 1996.

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